
Endogenous IL-10 production by murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDC) directs T-cell priming - 25/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2004.01.352 
B. Ahrens, A. Dittrich, X. Hu, T. Freund, D. Quarcoo, E. Hamelmann
Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité-Humboldt Universitiy, Berlin, Germany 



DC play an important role in directing allergen-specific naïve T-cells towards a Th1, Th2 or Treg cytokine profile. The path of T cell differentiation may be due to various maturation stages and activation stimuli influencing DC/T-cell interaction. In this context, IL-10 has been shown to exhibit immune regulatory capacities and suppress both DC and T cell functions.


To further delineate effects of different culture conditions and activation stimuli on IL-10 production by DC and the consequences on DC/T-cell interactions.


BMDC were generated from hemopoietic progenitors by culture with GM-CSF or with GM-CSF plus IL-4 for 6 days and than stimulated with LPS on day 6. BMDC were phenotypically characterized by FACS analysis, and the cytokine production was measured by ELISA. DC were co-cultured with allergen-specific naive T-cells.


IL-10 production of BMDC generated with GM-CSF was strongly enhanced, compared to BMDC generated with GM-CSF plus IL-4. Co-culture of DC exhibiting increased IL-10 production with naive T-cells induced significantly less production of Th2-cytokines, like IL-5 and IL-13, whereas production of the Th1 cytokine IFN-γ as well as IL-10 was increased, compared to co-culture with DC with low IL-10 production. Vice versa, co-culture of naive T cells with BMDC characterized by low IL-10 production resulted in enhanced IL-5 and IL-13.


These data demonstrate that IL-10 production by DC may be a critical element in the regulation of T cell activation and differentiation towards an allergen-promoting phenotype. This notion may be exploited for future strategies for the prevention of allergic diseases.

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 Funding: Humboldt University, Berlin

© 2004  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 113 - N° 2S

P. S247 - février 2004 Retour au numéro
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