
Optimization of Anterior Eye Fluorescein Viewing - 18/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.ajo.2006.04.062 
Rachael C. Peterson, BSc, James S. Wolffsohn, PhD , Colin W. Fowler, PhD
Ophthalmic Research Group, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 

Inquiries to James S. Wolffsohn, PhD, Vision Sciences, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom



To optimize anterior eye fluorescein viewing and image capture.


Prospective experimental investigation.


The spectral radiance of ten different models of slit-lamp blue luminance and the spectral transmission of three barrier filters were measured. Optimal clinical instillation of fluorescein was evaluated by a comparison of four different instillation methods of fluorescein into 10 subjects. Two methods used a floret, and two used minims of different concentration. The resulting fluorescence was evaluated for quenching effects and efficiency over time.


Spectral radiance of the blue illumination typically had an average peak at 460 nm. Comparison between three slit-lamps of the same model showed a similar spectral radiance distribution. Of the slit-lamps examined, 8.3% to 50.6% of the illumination output was optimized for >80% fluorescein excitation, and 1.2% to 23.5% of the illumination overlapped with that emitted by the fluorophore. The barrier filters had an average cut-off at 510 to 520 nm. Quenching was observed for all methods of fluorescein instillation. The moistened floret and the 1% minim reached a useful level of fluorescence in on average 20s (2.5× faster than the saturated floret and 2% minim) and this lasted for 160 seconds.


Most slit-lamps’ blue light and yellow barrier filters are not optimal for fluorescein viewing and capture. Instillation of fluorescein using a moistened floret or 1% minim seems most clinically appropriate as lower quantities and concentrations of fluorescein improve the efficiency of clinical examination.

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Vol 142 - N° 4

P. 572 - octobre 2006 Retour au numéro
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