
Frequency of embB codon 306 mutations in ethambutol-susceptible and -resistant clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in Kuwait - 15/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.tube.2006.05.004 
S. Ahmad , A.-A. Jaber, E. Mokaddas
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 24923, Safat 13110, Kuwait 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +9654986503; fax: +9655318454.



Recent reports of embB306 mutations in ethambutol-resistant and ethambutol-susceptible drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have questioned the significance of these mutations in conferring resistance to ethambutol (EMB).


To determine the occurrence of embB306 mutations in all EMB-resistant and -susceptible drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains isolated during a specified period at a single geographical location.


Twenty-five pansusceptible, all EMB-resistant and -susceptible M. tuberculosis strains resistant to other first-line drugs isolated in Kuwait during 2000–2003 were analyzed. The embB306 mutations were detected by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing. The PCR-based methods were also used for determining strain relatedness.


None of the pansusceptible M. tuberculosis strains contained a mutation at embB306. Fifteen of 50 (30%) EMB-resistant strains but only three of 122 (2%) EMB-susceptible isolates resistant to other first-line drugs contained a mutated embB306. The EMB-susceptible isolates with embB306 mutation were resistant to isoniazid plus other drug(s). The isolates carrying similar mutations were genotypically distinct strains.


The frequency of embB306 mutations in EMB-resistant strains compared to EMB-susceptible M. tuberculosis isolates resistant to other drugs was 15 times higher. Association of embB306 mutations in EMB-susceptible strains with isoniazid resistance and inherent problems associated with phenotypic EMB susceptibility testing suggest that these strains may actually be EMB-resistant.

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Keywords : Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ethambutol susceptibility, embB306 mutations, Detection


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Vol 87 - N° 2

P. 123-129 - mars 2007 Retour au numéro
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