
Monday preference in onset of takotsubo cardiomyopathy - 12/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.ajem.2009.04.023 
Roberto Manfredini, MD , a , Rodolfo Citro, MD b, Mario Previtali, MD c, Olga Vriz, MD d, Quirino Ciampi, MD e, Marco Pascotto, MD f, Ercole Tagliamonte, MD g, Gennaro Provenza, MD b, Fabio Manfredini, MD h, Eduardo Bossone, MD, PhD i

for the Takotsubo Italian Network investigators

a Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Clinica Medica and Vascular Diseases Center, University of Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy 
b Cardiology Division, San Luca Hospital, Vallo della Lucania (SA) 84078, Italy 
c Cardiology Division IRCCS San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia 27100, Italy 
d Cardiology Division ASS 4, Hospital of San Daniele del Friuli (UD) 33038, Italy 
e Cardiology Division, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Benevento 82100, Italy 
f Cardiology Division, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Naples 80100, Italy 
g Cardiology Division, Hospital Umberto I, Nocera Inferiore (SA) 84014, Italy 
h Vascular Rehabilitation Program and Vascular Diseases Center, University of Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy 
i Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research Council, Lecce 73100, Italy 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0532 236817; fax: +39 0532 236816.



Acute cardiovascular events show definite temporal patterns of occurrence. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) has been recently shown to exhibit a seasonal (summer) and circadian (morning) temporal distribution. The aim of this study, based on the database of a multicenter Italian network, was to investigate the possible existence of a weekly pattern of onset of TTC.


The study included all cases of TTC admitted to the coronary care unit of 8 referral cardiac centers in Italy (five in Southern Italy and three in Northern Italy, respectively), belonging to the Takotsubo Italian Network (January 2002-December 2008). Day of admission was categorized into seven 1-day intervals according by week, and chronobiological analysis was performed by partial Fourier series.


The database included 112 patients with TTC (92.9% females). The weekly distribution identified the highest number of cases on Monday and the lowest on Saturday. Chronobiologic analysis yielded a rhythmic pattern with a significant peak on Monday (P = .036).


This study confirms a Monday preference for TTC occurrence on Monday, similar to that reported for acute myocardial infarction. Stress of starting weekly day life activities, could play a triggering role.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


 Funding support: supported, in part, by a scientific grant “Finanziamento per ricerca locale - FAR” from the University of Ferrara, Italy.

© 2010  Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 28 - N° 6

P. 715-719 - juillet 2010 Retour au numéro
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