
Interleukin-1β up-regulates tumor necrosis factor receptors in the mouse airways - 08/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.pupt.2008.04.002 
Lars Olaf Cardell a, Rolf Uddman a, Yaping Zhang a, Mikael Adner a, b,
a Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Allergy Research, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Malmö University Hospital, SE-20502 Malmö 
b Department of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research, National Institute of Environmental Medicine, Scheeles väg 1, Karolinska Institutet, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden 

Corresponding author at: Department of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research, National Institute of Environmental Medicine, Scheeles väg 1, Karolinska Institutet SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: +46852482271; fax: +468343988.


Cytokines like interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), released during the inflammatory process, play important roles in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness. The effects of these cytokines are mediated by cell surface receptors, specific for each cytokine. The expression of cytokine receptors is a dynamic process, where receptors can be up- or down-regulated in response to changes in the environment. One such environmental factor is the presence of cytokines per se. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of IL-1β on the expression of its corresponding receptor IL-1 RI, as well as on the closely related TNF receptors TNF RI and TNF RII in airways using a mouse organ culture assay and intranasal inoculation model. Immunohistochemical staining was used to quantify expressional differences between fresh and cultured tracheal segments. In the fresh, uncultured, segments, IL-1 RI and TNF RI were seen in the epithelial layer and TNF RI in the smooth muscle layer. After 4 days of culture, the expression of TNF RI decreased in the epithelial layer, whereas the corresponding expression of IL-1 RI and TNF RI in the smooth muscle remained unchanged. When culture was performed in the presence of IL-1β, the expression of IL-1 RI and TNF RI in the epithelial cells and TNF RI in the smooth muscle cells increased. TNF RII was not detected in either fresh or cultured trachea, but after treatment with IL-1β an expression was found in both the epithelial layer and in the smooth muscle cells. The IL-1β-induced increased expression, on TNF RI and TNF RII in the smooth muscle ex vivo and in the lung parenchyma after intranasal challenge in vivo, was verified at the mRNA level using real-time RT PCR. To summarize, presence of IL-1β increases the expression of IL-1 R1 and TNF RI and induces expression of TNF RII in the airway wall. It is not inconceivable that these alterations of the IL-1 and TNF receptors may have important functional implications for the development of hyperresponsiveness in inflammatory airway diseases like asthma.

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Keywords : Airway epithelium, Airway smooth muscle, Asthma, Chronic inflammation, Cytokine receptors, Interleukin-1β, Organ culture, Tumor necrosis factor , Up-regulation


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Vol 21 - N° 4

P. 675-681 - août 2008 Retour au numéro
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