
P02-162 - An alert in the psycho-social-health intervention. A graphic testimony of a real case with autism spectrum disorder - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)72463-4 
J.A. García 1, A.S. Raya 2, E.S. del Arco 3
1 Psychology, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain 
2 Psychology, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain 
3 Company Children with TDAH, Santander, Spain 


The graphic papers of Pablo, 14 years, diagnosed of autism of high functioning, serve as a sign of alert when facing what underlies after the specializing professional intervention.

A few letters, a few drawings, and a few words that show the powerlessness, the suffering and the absence of contextual specific adequacy.

In this work we study, from the analysis of a real case, some excellent aspects in the psychosociosanitary attention, such as:

The need for compilation of pertinent information
The need for elimination of prejudices
The need for respect to the family
The need for specialized formation
The need for search of a shared communicative code
The need for search of strategies of social interaction
The need for empathy
The need for search of contextual specific adequacy
The need for rigorous rules in the physical containment.
The need of a turned over of adapted information
The need to respect the psychoevolutive situation of the patient
The need to give priority to the person on the illness.

A testimony that should serve as a warning for those institutions, administrations and professionals who are thinking of having put all the resources to its scope.

A testimony that should serve to contribute information and new challenges to those other professionals who do not stop their determination of conceptual and/or clinical anxious research.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 758 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • P02-161 - Research and psychiatric disease
  • O. Friedrich, J.-H. Heinrichs
| Article suivant Article suivant
  • P02-163 - Bioethics in psychiatry
  • R. Gomez Juanes, P. Herbera Gonzalez

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