
P01-413 - Internet and computer game addiction - a review of current neuroscientific research - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)72124-1 
E. Duven, K.W. Müller, K. Wölfling
Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany 



A significant part computer game players and internet users show clinical features of abuse and addiction (loss of control, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, continuation of game play even with increasing negative consequence in social and academic life). Similar mechanisms are suggested to underlie the pathogenesis and maintenance of internet and computer game addiction and substance-related addictions.


Neuroscientific research on internet and computer game addiction is sparse, yet emerging. To review previous studies is the objective of the present project.


We aim to identify common findings regarding the neurophysiological processes underlying internet and computer game addiction. This could be helpful for establishing a sound model for these emerging disorders.


Neuroscientific studies on internet and computer game addiction were systematically searched in “Pubmed”, “Google scholar” and “PsychInfo”. Titles were examined first to screen potential articles, followed by abstracts, and then manuscripts were downloaded. The reference sections of downloaded manuscripts were examined for additional references not located in the searches.


Neuroscientific research on internet and computer game addiction is mainly located in the Asian area, probably due to a higher regional prevalence. Methodologies range from ERP, resting state EEG, resting state fMRI, VBM to PET, investigating very different concepts of addiction, including impulsivity, craving, reward processing and cue-reactivity.


Addicted internet and computer game users are overall suggested to have altered brain mechanisms similar to individuals with substance addictions. However, a sound model on the neurophysiologic alterations has not been established yet.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 416 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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