
P01-189 - Bipolar depression symptoms across the lifespan - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)71900-9 
R.K. Al Jurdi 1, 2, L. Gyulai 3, M. Sajatovic 4, C.X. Nguyen 1
1 Psychiatry, Michael E De Bakey VA Medical Center 
2 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 
3 Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 
4 University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 

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A paucity of evidence describes the presentation of depression across age groups among patients with bipolar disorder.


We explored the symptoms and the severity of acute bipolar depression in a multicenter, naturalistic follow-up study for treating bipolar disorder.


To investigate whether specific depression symptoms are more frequent and/or severe in the elderly with bipolar disorder compared to a younger cohort.


The Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder is a National Institute of Mental Health-funded project to evaluate the longitudinal outcome of patients with bipolar disorder. Patients were categorized with “depression” if they experienced at least two consecutive weeks of five clinically significant depression symptoms (change in sleep or appetite; decreased energy; low mood, guilt or low self-esteem; anhedonia; decreased concentration or increased distractibility; psychomotor agitation or retardation; and presence of suicidal thoughts, intent or plans). Patients were stratified by age, (20-59 and >60), and data of all diagnosed with depression were analyzed.


Of 3,615 participants with bipolar subtype-I or II, 1,564 were diagnosed with depression. Ninety-eight (6.3%) were at least 60 years of age. The most common symptoms in both groups were anhedonia and decreased energy. Younger adults were more likely to have low self-esteem, distractibility, and psychomotor agitation. Except for decreased sleep in the younger cohort, the severity of symptoms was comparable between groups. The two cohorts had a Clinical Global Impression score of 3.99 (p=.887).
0None or Usual0−0.25Questionable, Slight or Rare symptom (occurred once or twice but not clinically significant)0.25−0.5Mild: Clearly present symptom, but sub-threshold for DSM-IV−0.750.75−1.0Moderate: Clearly present symptom and fulfills DSM-IV criteria1.0−1.251.25−1.5Marked1.5−1.751.75−2.0Severe2.0[Step BD- Depression Rating Guidelines]

None or Usual 
−0.25 Questionable, Slight or Rare symptom (occurred once or twice but not clinically significant) 0.25 
−0.5 Mild: Clearly present symptom, but sub-threshold for DSM-IV  
−0.75  0.75 
−1.0 Moderate: Clearly present symptom and fulfills DSM-IV criteria 1.0 
−1.25  1.25 
−1.5 Marked 1.5 
−1.75  1.75 
−2.0 Severe 2.0 

[Step BD- Depression Rating Guidelines]

Age20-59(%)>60 (%)P-ValueIncreased Appetite295 (19.9)15(15.3).296

Age 20-59(%) >60 (%) P-Value 
Increased Appetite 295 (19.9) 15(15.3) .296 

Decreased Appetite443 (29.9)35 (35.7).256Low Mood791 (53.3)48 (49.0).406Increased Sleep164 (11.1)9 (10.7).738Decreased Sleep544 (36.7)31 (31.6).331Low Self-Esteem1078 (72.7)60 (61.2).020Distractibility679 (45.8)31 (31.6).006Psychomotor Agitation329 (22.2)12 (12.2).022Suicidality306 (20.6)18 (18.4).698[STEP-BD Bipolar Depression Symptoms by Age]

Decreased Appetite 443 (29.9) 35 (35.7) .256 
Low Mood 791 (53.3) 48 (49.0) .406 
Increased Sleep 164 (11.1) 9 (10.7) .738 
Decreased Sleep 544 (36.7) 31 (31.6) .331 
Low Self-Esteem 1078 (72.7) 60 (61.2) .020 
Distractibility 679 (45.8) 31 (31.6) .006 
Psychomotor Agitation 329 (22.2) 12 (12.2) .022 
Suicidality 306 (20.6) 18 (18.4) .698 

[STEP-BD Bipolar Depression Symptoms by Age]

20-59>60P-ValueMeanSDMeanSDLow Mood1.17.301.09.22.60Increased Appetite1. Appetite1. Sleep1. Sleep1.21.351.06.21.023Self-Esteem1.14.301.09.27.213Distractibility1.[STEP BD Bipolar Depression Symptom Severity]

 20-59 >60 P-Value 
 Mean SD Mean SD  
Low Mood 1.17 .30 1.09 .22 .60 
Increased Appetite 1.10 .25 1.07 .26 .267 
Decreased Appetite 1.11 .27 1.11 .30 .967 
Increased Sleep 1.73 .26 1.78 .26 .591 
Decreased Sleep 1.21 .35 1.06 .21 .023 
Self-Esteem 1.14 .30 1.09 .27 .213 
Distractibility 1.09 .24 1.07 .23 .698 
Suicidality 1.06 .21 1.00 .215  

[STEP BD Bipolar Depression Symptom Severity]


Presenting symptoms and severity of depression in patients with bipolar disorder are comparable across age groups.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 189-190 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • M. Agius, S. Singh, J. Ho, R. Zaman
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  • H.-J. Assion, F. Wolf, M. Brüne

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