
P03-294 - Severe generalize cortical atrophy inconsistent with her age, and neurocognitive impairment in an untreated schizophrenia patient: A case report - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)73168-6 
E. Oral, M. Güleç, N. Aydin, E. Ozan, I. Kırpınar
Psychiatry, Ataturk University, Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum, Turkey 



In schizophrenia, frontal structural and functional deficits are replicated findings.


AK was 40 years old. She had not been appealed to psychiatry department or took any medicine. She had had severe positive symptoms such as, grandiosity, delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, hallucinatory behaviors, mystic contains of thoughts since her childhood. MRI had been showed that the severe cortical atrophy inconsistent with her age. In the assessment of neurocognitive tests we found that the signs of frontal - prefrontal and temporo-limbic impairment. On Rey Auditory learning test she could remember totally 34 words as a sum of the 1st to 5.th Readings. At 6.th reading she remembered 5 words and at 7th 6 words. At recognition part of the test she had 8 true positive and 3 false positive results. On Auditory trigram test, her score was 25 and on controlled word association test she could tell 20 total words. In digit span test her scores were 4 at forward section and 4 at backwards section. She could not perform trial making test part A or part B. On Stroop test she completed section 5 (main card reading time) at 26 seconds. These results suggested us that she had dysfunction in the cognitive domains such as; working memory, focused attention, short time verbal memory and frontal executive functions.


This sample has been attracted attention to neurodegenerative process notwithstanding without antipsychotic treatments effects.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1463 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • J.R. Nurenberg, S. Schleifer
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  • P03-295 - The study of suicidal behavior at patients with anhedonia in schizophrenia
  • N. Orlova, M. Shkliar, E. Khaustova

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