
P03-211 - Short-Term Messages (SMS) and Content of Delusions in a Schizophrenic Patient - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)73085-1 
F. Estilaee, A. Ghaffari Nejad
Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Kerman, Iran 


Since the human creation he always has tried to have easier life through invention new technologies. We use technology to reduce our weakness and limitations and become stronger, faster, happier and more intelligent. We use new technologies such as internet and mobile phones to get easier and more available connections to each other. But does the technology give us happier life? Sometimes it seems that the rate of progression in technology is faster than our adaptation to it. Using of newer technologies cause being always accessible but unfortunately it may substitute the real inter personal relations. Despite external comfort it makes newer and serious stresses. Here we introduce a 24 year old, single and 12 class educated woman without previous history of psychiatric problems. She has accustomed with a guy through SMS. They had never visited and never spoken to each other. This relation lasts several months till she begins to gets twofold conception from these SMSes. She believes the meaning of jungle in the SMSes is female genitalia and inability to go to holly shrine is equivalent by sexual intercourse in menstrual period. Patient admitted in our psychiatric ward with schizophrenia impression, she treat with antipsychotic and her symptoms reduce considerably, but in 3 month follow up she still believes have not made mistake in past. In this report, in addition to patient introduction, we discuss about technology and its role to influence on content of delusions in schizophrenia

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1380 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • P03-210 - The Reflection of Lilliputian Hallucinations in Paintings of a Schizophrenic Patient
  • F. Estilaee, A. Ghaffari Nejad
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