
P02-528 - Anxiety Forms of Patients with Balcans Endemic Nephropaty - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)72829-2 
M.P. Novakovic 1, D. Mitrovic 2, Z. Maksimovic 3, Z. Naskovic 3, R. Novakovic 4
1 University of East Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 
2 international Dialysis Centre, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 
3 Centar of Mental Health, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 
4 Nova-Medic, Private Ginecologic-Opstretric Clinic, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 



To analyze the forms of anxiety with BEN of the dialyzed patients with sub-hypothesis: socio-demographical, psychopathological, and biological influences.


In B&H dialyzed in 2009. 2879 patients because of chronic renal insufficiency. Dialysis started in B&H on patients with BEN (n=348) were in the first group, and other the N18 group was formed of patients with other diseases (n=405). Controls group consists of the patients with other nephrology diseases. Clinical observation lasted from 01.01.2000. to 31.12.2009. when the study was done. Research is a comparative study cut, and the patients are questioned: Renal Registry of B&H, BAI, HDRS, and MMSE.


Patients of the Cases group are the age of: 64.77±8.86, and Controls 53.85±13.6. High socio-demographic significations are the places of living of the Cases group (c2=23. 970), P<0.01; renal diseases in the place of residence (c2=23. 970), P<0.01; in the family (c2=23,970); P<=0.001 and the migration (c2=4,874); P<0. 01. BAI scale has very significant group differences P<0.001 and the level differences at the emerging of the fear, HDRS scale has group signification P<0.001 and the variables point out depressive and anxiety differences and MMSE cognitive differences.


All patients which are interrogated at the dialysis in B&H from 2000. to 2009 have anxiety. Anxiety is more expressed in Cases group due to Control group, and comorbidity gives endemic factors for presuicidal risk for both groups.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1124 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • P02-527 - Mental Disorders in Victimization
  • M.P. Novakovic, R. Novakovic, V. Despotovic, Z. Maksimovic, D. Novakovic
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