
567 L’incidence des anticorps anti-toxoplasmiques chez les patients roumains - 14/05/09

The anti-toxoplasma gondii anti-bodies incidence in romanian patients

Doi : 10.1016/S0181-5512(09)73691-5 
C. Stefan , C. Teodorescu, D. Dumitrica Melinte
Bucarest, Roumanie 


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Toxoplasmosis is an anthropo-zoonosis widely spread around the earth, whose ocular complications are frequent and are often a first sign of infestation.

Objectifs and Methods

This is a retrospective statistic research based on the clinical survey and periodic control of a lot of 135 patients with toxoplasmosis, out of which 90 presented ocular toxoplasmosis, either admitted into hospital or treated ambulatory between 2000 and 2005 by the Medical Centre of Diagnosis and Ambulatory Treatment of the Defence Ministry Bucharest, the Ophthalmology Department of the Central Military Hospital of Bucharest and Army Center for Medical Research. Specific serological tests consisted in the determination of Ig G and Ig M antibobies by ELISA method. The concentration of specific antibodies is expressed in optical density units (ODU) being considered a titter over 0.300 ODU.


The epidemiological study demonstrated the following: the disease occurs more often in the urban area (48 cases), in adult population (highest incidence between 30 and 39 years) and in females (52 cases). The main factors of risk in toxoplasmosis, as revealed by the case studies (where we used survey cards), are: contact with cats: 41 cases – 45,6%, raw meat consumption: 25 cases – 27,8%, combination of risk factors: 11,1% of the cases, unknown risk factors: 14 cases – 15,6%.


The treatment for toxoplasmosis is done both locally and generally. In the case of multiple aetiology, the associated affections must also be taken into account. In persons with immune-deprivation even asymptomatic forms must be treated, to prevent the reactivation of latent forms. Most patients need two periods of treatment, according to their evolution and prognosis.


The therapeutic success depends on the intensity of clinical manifestations, the earliness of the diagnosis, the presence of complications, the accessibility to therapeutic resources. The fact that most cases are congenital requires better investigation and follow-up of pregnant women suspected of toxoplasmotic infestation and possibly the start of specific therapy during the pregnancy. Later on the fetus must also be investigated by analyzing the blood in the umbilical cord immediately after birth.

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Vol 32 - N° S1

P. 1S172 - avril 2009 Retour au numéro
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