
Psychological and psychiatric factors related to health-related quality of life after total hip replacement – preliminary report - 25/02/09

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2008.06.009 
Karina Badura-Brzoza a, , Piotr Zajac b, Zenon Brzoza c, Alicja Kasperska-Zajac c, Jerzy Matysiakiewicz a, Magdalena Piegza a, Robert T. Hese a, Barbara Rogala c, Jacek Semenowicz b, Bogdan Koczy b
a Chair and Clinical Department of Psychiatry in Tarnowskie Góry, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, ul. Pyskowicka 49, 42-612 Tarnowskie Góry, Poland 
b District Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopaedics Surgery, Ul.Bytomska 42, 41-940 Piekary Śląskie, Poland 
c Chair and Clinical Department of Internal Diseases, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, ul. 3 Maja 13–15, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland 

Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +48 32 2854358.

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Total hip replacement is one of the most successful orthopaedic interventions in improving considerably the patients' performance, nevertheless some patients demonstrate declined functional ability following an operation. Such condition is not a consequence of medical illness or the surgery itself but might rather be associated with mental status. The authors conduct an investigation concerning the relation between some psychological and psychiatric factors and their influence on health-related quality of life in patients after total hip replacement.


Into the study group we included 102 subjects undergoing total hip replacement (59 female, 43 male). In all subjects we measured depression (Beck Depression Inventory – BDI), anxiety (State and Trait Anxiety Inventory – STAI), sense of coherence (SOC-29), personality traits (Eysenck Personality Inventory – EPI) and health related quality of life (SF-36).


The postoperative values of the PCS and the MCS for the whole group of patients correlated negatively with the SOC values (p=0.04 and p=0.03 respectively). Neuroticism (EPI) and anxiety as a trait (STAI) were also associated with postoperative performance, both in mental (p=0.03 and p=0.008 respectively) and physical (p=0.005 and p=0.04 respectively terms).


Total hip replacement improves significantly the patient's health-related quality of life at 6months after surgery, what is influenced by sense of coherence, neuroticism and anxiety as a trait. Above mentioned factors should be taken into account when rehabilitation and social readaptation processes are planned.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Anxiety, Depression, Personality trait, Sense of coherence, Health-related quality of life, Hip replacement

Abbreviations : THR, BDI, STAI, X1, X2, SOC-29, SOC, EPI, E, N, L, HRQoL, SF-36, BP, PF, RP, RE, MH, SF, VT, GH, PCS, MCS


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Vol 24 - N° 2

P. 119-124 - mars 2009 Retour au numéro
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