
Clinical, radiological and dynamic CT results of scapholunate intercarpal ligamentoplasty for scapholunate instability - 08/08/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.hansur.2024.101762 
Lionel Athlani a, c, , Émeline Luc b, Nicolas Pauchard d, Alain Blum b, c, Gilles Dautel e, Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira b, c
a Department of Hand Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Centre Chirurgical Émile Gallé, Nancy University Hospital, 49 Rue Hermite, 54000 Nancy, France 
b Guilloz Imaging Department, Central Hospital, Nancy University Hospital, 29 Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 54035 Nancy, France 
c University of Lorraine, IADI Laboratory, Inserm U1254, 5 Rue du Morvan, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France 
d Hôpital Privé Dijon Bourgogne, 22 Avenue Françoise Giroud, 21000 Dijon, France 
e Centre Chirurgical ADR, 6 Rue Colette, 54100 Nancy, France 

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Clinical, radiological and 4D computed tomography assessment of outcomes of scapholunate intercarpal ligamentoplasty was performed at a minimum 2 years’ follow-up. Twenty-nine patients (23 men and 6 women) with a mean age of 40 years (range, 22–57) with chronic scapholunate instability were treated by scapholunate intercarpal ligamentoplasty: 18 with dynamic and 11 with static instability. Patients were evaluated at a mean follow-up of 61 months (range, 24–94). Scapholunate intercarpal ligamentoplasty significantly reduced pain and increased grip strength and wrist function. On radiographs, mean static and dynamic scapholunate gaps and scapholunate and radiolunate angles improved significantly. Dorsal scaphoid subluxation was corrected in all cases. Postoperative 4D computed tomography provided more precise analysis of efficacy in restoring intracarpal alignment. Correction of the dorsal intercalated segment instability and dorsal scaphoid subluxation was confirmed. Scapholunate intercarpal ligamentoplasty restored normal scapholunate gap range during radioulnar deviation movement without systematically reducing mean and maximum distance between the bones, which remained pathological in wrists with static but not dynamic instability. At the final follow-up, no patients had signs of radial and/or midcarpal osteoarthritis due to scapholunate advanced collapse.

Level of evidence


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Keywords : Carpal instability, Four-dimensional computed tomography, Ligamentoplasty, Scapholunate instability, Scapholunate ligament

© 2024  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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