
Dangers and therapeutic difficulties of intracranial hemangioma in infants: A CARE case report - 08/08/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.anorl.2024.02.001 
Léa Fath a, , François Simon a, Raphaël Levy b, Olivia Boccara c, Vincent Couloigner a
a Service d’ORL et Chirurgie Cervicofaciale Pédiatrique, Hôpital Necker–Enfants-Malades, Assistance publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France 
b Service de Radiologie Pédiatrique, Hôpital Necker–Enfants-Malades, Assistance publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France 
c Service de Dermatologie Pédiatrique, Hôpital Necker–Enfants-Malades, Assistance publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France 

Corresponding author.



Description of neurological complications induced by intracranial hemangioma in infants and by the initiation of beta-blocker treatment (propranolol).


A 2-month-old infant was referred for grade 5 non-congenital unilateral peripheral facial palsy. Work-up revealed ipsilateral profound hearing loss and two intracranial hemangiomas: one in the ipsilateral internal auditory canal (IAC), the other in the cerebellum opposite the nodule of vermis. Initial treatment with a beta-blocker (propranolol 1mg/kg/day for 1month, then 3mg/kg/day) resulted in disappearance of symptoms and regression of lesions within 8weeks. At 20months after introduction of maintenance therapy (propranolol 3mg/kg/day), two asthma attacks occurred, leading to initiation of fluticasone and continuation of the beta-blocker. Thirty months after discontinuation of treatment, no further progression was noted.


Unilateral facial palsy in an infant suggests a number of diagnoses. MRI revealed IAC hemangioma. The choice of dosage and duration of treatment was based on a review of the literature and a strategy defined in multidisciplinary consultation.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Hemangioma, Asthma, Beta-blockers, Peripheral facial palsy


© 2024  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 141 - N° 4

P. 227-230 - août 2024 Retour au numéro
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