
The real incidence of sudden death: Fair estimations or futile speculations? - 19/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.acvd.2024.01.003 
Nathan Marimpouy a, Céline Guilbeau-Frugier b, Jean Ferrières a, c, Frederic Balen d, Anthony Ramirez b, Clement Delmas a, Caroline Biendel a, Maxime Beneyto a, Miloud Cherbi a, Deborah Foltran a, Pierre Mondoly a, Vanina Bongard c, Vincent Minville d, Hubert Delasnerie a, Anne Rollin a, Philippe Maury a, e,
a Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Rangueil, 31059 Toulouse, France 
b Department of médecine légale, University Hospital Rangueil, 31059 Toulouse, France 
c Department of Epidemiology, University Hospital Rangueil, 31059 Toulouse, France 
d Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital Rangueil, 31059 Toulouse, France 
e I2MC, Inserm UMR 1297, 31432 Toulouse, France 

Corresponding author. Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Rangueil, 31059 Toulouse Cedex 09, France.Department of Cardiology, University Hospital RangueilToulouse Cedex 0931059France

Graphical abstract

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True SD incidence may have been overestimated or may be underestimated in France.
Epidemiological methods of assessing SD incidence seem unreliable.
Prospective systematic nationwide studies needed to determine the true SD burden.

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The true incidence of sudden death remains undetermined, with controversial results from various publications over time and countries.


To investigate if different estimations would reach the values usually reported for France.


Three different kinds of estimations were used. First, the number of resuscitated sudden deaths and necropsies for sudden death in the Haute-Garonne French administrative department (i.e. county) over the last 10years was expanded to the national level. Second, sudden death coding of death certificates was collected at the national level. Third, the total number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests leading to any emergency call (with/without intervention) in Haute-Garonne over the last 10years was expanded to the national level.


There was a mean of 26 resuscitated sudden deaths and 145 necropsies for sudden death each year in Haute-Garonne, i.e. 12 to 14 sudden deaths for 100,000 inhabitants, and 7700 to 9400 sudden deaths yearly when related to the whole French population, according to the year of inclusion. Based on death certificates, a mean of 6584 sudden deaths was registered each year in France. Finally, there were about 600 yearly calls/interventions for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Haute-Garonne, i.e. 40 to 50 sudden deaths for 100,000 inhabitants, and 16,000 to 27,000 sudden deaths yearly for the whole French territory, according to the year of inclusion.


The incidence of sudden death ranges from 6500 to 27,000 in France according to the calculation methods. This huge difference raises the question of the true current incidence of sudden death, which may have been overestimated previously or may be underestimated in France. More straight prospective surveys are needed to solve this question, because of relevant implications for priorities that should be given to sudden death.

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Keywords : Sudden death, Sudden cardiac death, Cardiac arrest, Epidemiology, Incidence


 Tweet: The real incidence of sudden death remains undetermined, because of aleatory estimations or hazardous speculations.

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Vol 117 - N° 4

P. 244-248 - avril 2024 Retour au numéro
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