
Adenosine A2B receptor agonist improves epidermal barrier integrity in a murine model of epidermal hyperplasia - 22/03/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2024.116401 
Asunción Marín-Castejón a, b, Miguel Marco-Bonilla a, 1, M. Carmen Terencio a, b, Jorge Arasa a, b, M. Carmen Carceller b, c, M. Luisa Ferrandiz a, b, M. Antonia Noguera a, d, Rosa Andrés-Ejarque e, M. Carmen Montesinos a, b,
a Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Valencia, Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n, Burjassot 46100, Valencia, Spain 
b Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Av. Vicent A. Estellés s/n, Burjassot 46100, Valencia, Spain 
c Department of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Valencia, Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n, Burjassot 46100, Valencia, Spain 
d Instituto Universitario de Biotecnología y Biomedicina (BIOTECMED) Universitat de València, Av. Vicent A. Estellés s/n, Burjassot 46100, Valencia, Spain 
e Centre for Inflammation Biology and Cancer Immunology, School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences, King's College London, London SE1 1UL, UK 

Correspondence to: Department of Pharmacology, University of Valencia, Avenida Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n, Spain.Department of Pharmacology, University of ValenciaAvenida Vicent Andrés Estellés s/nSpain


Adenosine regulates multiple physiological processes through the activation of four receptor subtypes, of which the A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) has the lowest affinity for adenosine. Being the adenosine receptor subtype most prominently expressed in epidermis, we recently described the antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effect of the selective A2BAR agonist BAY60–6583 (BAY) in human keratinocytes stimulated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), so we sought to establish the effect of topical application of BAY in a model of murine epidermal hyperplasia.

Topical application of BAY (1 or 10 μg/site) prevented the inflammatory reaction and skin lesions induced by TPA, minimizing hyperproliferation and acanthosis, as well as the expression of specific markers of proliferative keratinocytes. On the other hand, pre-treatment with the selective A2BAR antagonist, PSB-1115 (PSB, 5 or 50 μg/site) reversed these beneficial effects. Additionally, BAY application normalized the expression of epidermal barrier proteins, whose integrity is altered in inflammatory skin diseases, while treatment with the antagonist alone worsened it.

Our results, besides confirming the anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects of the A2BAR agonist, further demonstrate a role of A2BAR activation to preserve the epidermal barrier. Therefore, the activation of A2BAR may constitute a possible new pharmacological target for the treatment of skin inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis.

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Activation of A2B receptor shows a protective role in skin inflammatory diseases.
A2B agonist improves TPA-induced lesions, edema, hyperplasia, and cell infiltration.
Stimulation of the A2B receptor preserves the epidermal barrier integrity.

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Abbreviations : AR, BAY, CK, DAB, NECA, MPO, PSB, TMB, TPA

Keywords : Psoriasis, Adenosine A2B receptor, Epidermal barrier, Involucrin, Filaggrin, Caspase-14


© 2024  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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