
Antiseizure effects of Lilii Bulbus on pentylenetetrazol kindling-induced seizures in mice: Involvement of Reelin, Netrin-1, and semaphorin - 22/03/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2024.116385 
Hee Ra Park , 1 , Mudan Cai
 Department of KM Medicine Science Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM), Daejeon, Republic of Korea 

Correspondence to: Department of KM Medicine Science Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM), 1672 Yuseong-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34054, Republic of Korea.Department of KM Medicine Science Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM)1672 Yuseong-daero, Yuseong-guDaejeon34054Republic of Korea


Lilii Bulbus (Lilium lancifolium Thunberg) has a proneurogenic effect on the hippocampus. However, its effects on epilepsy and associated pathological features remain unknown. In this study, we investigated the antiseizure effects of a water extract of Lilii Bulbus (WELB) in mouse model of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced seizure. Mice were injected with PTZ once every 48 h until full kindling was achieved. WELB (100 and 500 mg/kg) was orally administered once daily before PTZ administration and during the kindling process. We found that WELB treatment protected against PTZ-induced low seizure thresholds and high seizure severity. Further, WELB-treated mice showed attenuated PTZ kindling-induced anxiety and memory impairment. Immunostaining and immunoblots showed that hyperactivation and ectopic migration of dentate granule cells (DGCs) were significantly reduced by WELB treatment in PTZ kindling-induced seizure mice. Staining for mossy fiber sprouting (MFS) using Timm staining and ZnT3 showed that WELB treatment significantly decreased PTZ kindling-induced MFS. Furthermore, the increased or decreased expression of proteins related to ectopic DGCs (Reelin and Dab-1), MFS (Netrin-1, Sema3A, and Sema3F), and their downstream effectors (ERK, AKT, and CREB) in the hippocampus of PTZ kindling mice was significantly restored by WELB treatment. Overall, our findings suggest that WELB is a potential antiseizure drug that acts by reducing ectopic DGCs and MFS and modulating epileptogenesis-related signaling in the hippocampus.

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Graphical Abstract

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


WELB reduced PTZ kindling-induced seizure in mice.
WELB ameliorated PTZ kindling-induced anxiety and memory loss.
WELB inhibited ectopic DGCs and MFS in PTZ kindling-induced seizure mice.
Alterations of Reelin/Dab-1 and Netrin-1/Sema3A/Sema3F expression were restored by WELB treatment.
WELB has the anti-seizure effects on seizure severity and epileptogenesis-related factors.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviations : AKT, BCA, BSA, CA1, CA3, CON, CREB, Dab-1, DCX, DG, DGC, ERK, GABA, IPB, L, MFS, OFT, P, PBS, PFA, PTZ, PTZ-K, SDS, SO, SP, SPB, SR, SEM, Sema, SL, T, TBS, VPA, WELB, ZnT3

Keywords : Lilii Bulbus, Seizure, Pentylenetetrazol, Kindling, Ectopic dentate granule cells, Mossy fiber sprouting


© 2024  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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