
Metabolomics and network pharmacology reveal the mechanism of antithrombotic effect of Asperosaponin VI - 22/03/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2024.116355 
Jin Huang a, 1, Xuewen Liang a, Minrui Zhao a, Yue Zhang a, , Ziyang Chen b,
a Shenzhen Pingle Orthopedic Hospital (Shenzhen Pingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital), Shenzhen 518001, China 
b Huizhou first Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Huizhou 516000, China 

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Dipsaci Radix may possess antithrombotic properties, and one of its primary active ingredients is Asperosaponin VI. However, the antithrombotic effects and pharmacological mechanisms of Asperosaponin VI remain unclear. An in vivo experimental study has demonstrated the antithrombotic activity of Asperosaponin VI. Asperosaponin VI also exhibits anticoagulant properties. Asperosaponin VI significantly hindered collagen adrenergic-induced acute pulmonary thrombosis in mice and enhanced their survival rate. This hinders the formation of acute pulmonary embolisms induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and decreases recovery time. A comprehensive strategy that combines metabolomics, network pharmacology, molecular docking, and experimental validation has the potential to reveal the antithrombotic mechanisms of Asperosaponin VI. Metabolomic evidence suggests that Asperosaponin VI may influence platelet aggregation and the production of anti-inflammatory metabolites through the regulation of pathways such as phenylalanine and arachidonic acid metabolism, thereby inhibiting thrombosis. Network pharmacology identified the pharmacological targets of Asperosaponin VI and indicated that it treats thrombi by partially regulating the signaling pathways related to inflammation and platelet aggregation. Asperosaponin VI showed strong binding affinity for F2, PTPRC, JUN, STAT3, SRC, AKT1. The antiplatelet aggregation activity of Asperosaponin VI was validated based on the metabolomic and network pharmacology results. Asperosaponin VI inhibits platelet aggregation induced by ADP, AA, and collagen. Therefore, Asperosaponin VI exerts antithrombotic effects through antiplatelet aggregation. Therefore, Asperosaponin VI is a promising antithrombotic agent.

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Asperosaponin VI exhibits anticoagulant, antithrombotic, and antiplatelet aggregation effects.
The antithrombotic effect may be attributed to its anti-inflammatory properties.
The antithrombotic effects of Asperosaponin VI are associated with arachidonic and linoleic acid metabolism.
The injectable route of Asperosaponin VI administration may be more advantageous than the oral one.
A comprehensive strategy that integrates metabolomics and network pharmacology provides an optimal way to identify monomeric compounds.

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Keywords : Asperosaponin VI, Network pharmacology, Metabolomics, Antithrombotic


© 2024  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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