
Elastic tape reduces dyspnea and improves health status in the short term in nonobese COPD males: A randomized controlled trial - 04/01/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.rmed.2023.107459 
Eloise Arruda dos Santos a, Thiago Fernandes Pinto a, Rafaella Fagundes Xavier a, Rafael Stelmach b, Regina Maria Carvalho-Pinto b, Celso Ricardo Fernandes de Carvalho a,
a Department of Physical Therapy, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil 
b Pulmonary Division, Heart Institute (InCor), Clinics Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil 

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Introduction and objectives

The elastic tape (ET) is a novel intervention that acutely improves exercise capacity in laboratory tests; however, its effect on a patient's daily life remains unknown. This randomized controlled trial evaluated the effects of ET on daily life physical activity (DLPA), dyspnea symptoms, health status, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in individuals with COPD.


Fifty males with moderate to very severe COPD were randomly assigned to an intervention group (ETG, n = 25), receiving ET on the chest wall and abdomen, or a control group (CG, n = 25). The intervention was for 14 days. DLPA (accelerometry; steps per day, and sedentary time), dyspnea symptoms (transition dyspnea index, TDI; and modified Medical Research Council, mMRC), health status (COPD assessment test, CAT), and health-related quality of life (HRQoL, CRQ) were evaluated at baseline and on Day 21 after the intervention.


No change in the DLPA was observed in between-group comparison. CG presented a reduction in step counts after 21days (-707,p <0.05) while ETG. maintained (-114,p > 0.94). However, ET reduced dyspnea symptoms in all TDI domains (functional, task, and effort) and on the mMRC scale after 14 days compared with CG (p < 0.01). Also, the ETG improved CAT score compared to the CG, reaching minimal clinical important difference (MCID) (-4.4 score, p <0.01). The ETG also improved in most CRQ domains reaching MCID after 21 days.


ET does not modify DLPA but reduces dyspnea and improves health status and HRQoL in nonobese males with moderate to very severe COPD in the short term. This novel and low-cost intervention improves COPD symptoms.

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Thoracoabdominal asynchrony occurs in severe COPD individuals during effort.
Elastic tape acutely reduces thoracoabdominal asynchrony and dyspnea symptoms.
Our results show that elastic tape improves health status and dyspnea in severe COPD.
This low-cost intervention also improves the quality of life in severe COPD.

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Keywords : COPD, Dyspnea, Health status, Quality of life, Physical activity, Elastic tape, Relieve symptoms


© 2023  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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