
A pilot project of expert nurses for the follow-up of complex intravenous antimicrobial treatment - 05/05/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.idnow.2023.104670 
L. Rolland a, A. Mainguy a, S. Boissier a, M. Ki Zerbo a, A. Tardivel a, M. Sébillotte a, M. Cailleaux a, S. Patrat-Delon a, M. Revest a, b, P. Tattevin a, b,
a Infectious Diseases and Intensive Care Unit, Pontchaillou University Hospital, Rennes, France 
b INSERM U1230, IFR140, Rennes 1 University, Rennes, France 

Corresponding author at: Infectious diseases and intensive care unit, CHU de Rennes, Univ Rennes, INSERM U1230, IFR140, F-35033 Rennes, France.Infectious diseases and intensive care unitCHU de RennesUniv RennesINSERM U1230IFR140F-35033 RennesFrance


Nurses can be precious allies in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.
In a pilot project, three expert nurses were trained for complex antimicrobial treatment follow-up.
At one year, they performed 621 consultations, mostly (64%) for bone and joint infections.
No severe adverse event related to the programme was reported.
Patients, infectious diseases physicians, and expert nurses reported high-level of satisfaction.

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To report a pilot project of expert nurses for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial treatment (OPAT) follow-up.


Three nurses with specific training on antibiotics started a state-funded programme including: i) consultations for OPAT follow-up; ii) hotline for satellite hospitals; iii) peer training. Patients’ data were prospectively collected. A representative sample of patients and physicians was interviewed to learn about their opinion on the project.


From December 2020 to December 2021, 118 patients (median age 66.5 years [52–75], male-to-female ratio 2.5) were enrolled, for a total of 621 consultations. Patients were mostly on OPAT for bone and joint infections (n = 76, 64 %) and cardiovascular infections (n = 16, 14 %), for a median duration of 29 days [22–57]. Eleven patients (9 %) required unplanned hospital admissions, and three experienced treatment failure. Most patients (21/22) and physicians in charge (10/10) reported a high level of satisfaction.


Nurses may be important actors for OPAT follow-up.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Nurses, Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial treatment, Antimicrobial resistance, Competency building, Task delegation


 This work has been presented at the XXII Journées Nationales d’Infectiologie (JNI Bordeaux, France, 2022), and has been awarded the ‘Prix du Meilleur Poster Infirmier’.

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