Hélène Cassoudesalle a, b, ⁎
, Eric Laboute c, Philippe Bordes d, Antoine Bertolotti e, Mathieu De Sèze a, b
a Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine department, University Hospital of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
b BPH, U1219, “Handicap, Activity, Cognition & Health” Team, University of Bordeaux, INSERM, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
c CERS (Centre Européen de Rééducation du Sportif), 40130 Capbreton, France
d Rehabilitation Center, Clinique Korian Napoléon, 40279 Saint-Paul-lès-Dax, France
e Clinical Investigation Center 1410, INSERM, University Hospital of La Réunion, 97448 Saint-Pierre, France