Elsa Lorthe a , Mathilde Bellon f, i, Julie Berthelot a, Grégoire Michielin j, Arnaud G L’Huillier b, c, Klara M Posfay-Barbe c, Andrew S Azman a, g, k, Idris Guessous d, h, Sebastian J Maerkl j, Isabella Eckerle b, e, f, i, Silvia Stringhini a, h, l
on behalf of the SEROCoV-Schools Study Group
a Unit of Population Epidemiology, Division of Primary Care Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
b Laboratory of Virology, Department of Diagnostics, Geneva University Hospitals, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
c Department of Pediatrics, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit, Geneva University Hospitals, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
d Division of Primary Care Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
e Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
f Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
g Institute of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
h Department of Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
i Center for Emerging Viral Diseases, Geneva University Hospitals and University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
j Institute of Bioengineering, School of Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
k Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
l University Center for General Medicine and Public Health, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland