
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on home mechanical ventilation services: A national survey - 11/05/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.rmed.2022.106831 
Amar J. Shah a, 1, Eui-Sik Suh b, 1, George Kaltsakas b, Michelle Ramsay b, Anita Saigal a, Patrick B. Murphy b, Alison Armstorng c, 1, Swapna Mandal a, 1,
a Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Respiratory Medicine, London, UK 
b Lane Fox Respiratory Unit, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK 
c Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom 

Corresponding author. Respiratory Consultant Physician and Associate Professor University College London Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Pond Street NW3 2QG London, UK .Respiratory Consultant Physician and Associate Professor University College London Royal Free London NHS Foundation TrustPond StreetLondonNW3 2QGUK

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to healthcare services globally. We present the findings of a national survey of home mechanical ventilation (HMV) services in England and Wales. 30 HMV services (60%) responded. There was a significant reduction in outpatient services with 93% of services not offering routine face-to-face appointments, although most centres were able to offer emergency appointments for ventilation review and set-up. HMV inpatient capacity was reassigned, and HMV service staff re-deployed in the majority of centres (97%). The initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic left a service backlog of a median of 87 outpatient appointments [range 0–1500] and a median of 4 patients (range 0–100) awaiting NIV set-up.

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93% of ventilation services could not offer routine face-to-face appointments.
97% of ventilation service staff were re-deployed across the hospital.
Services had a median of 87 (range 0–1500) patients awaiting outpatient review.
67% of services had difficulty with NIV interface supplies.
97% of centres are planning on using telephone appointments in the future.

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Keywords : Non-invasive ventilation, Sleep medicine, COVID-19

Abbreviations : COVID-19, HMV, NIV, SiLVaH, WHO


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