Marie Tré-Hardy a, b, c, ⁎ , Roberto Cupaiolo a, Alain Wilmet a, Thomas Antoine-Moussiaux d, Nicoleta Coman-Vlagea e, Andrea Della Vecchia d, Alexandra Horeanga d, Emmanuelle Papleux f, Marc Vekemans d, Ingrid Beukinga a, Laurent Blairon a
a Department of Laboratory Medicine, Iris Hospitals South, Brussels, Belgium
b Faculty of Medicine, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
c epartment of Pharmacy, Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences, University of Namur, Belgium
d Department of Infectious Diseases, Iris Hospitals South, Brussels, Belgium
e Department of Internal Medicine, Iris Hospitals South, Brussels, Belgium
f Department of Pneumology, Iris Hospitals South, Brussels, Belgium