
Molecular diagnosis of childhood immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, and enteropathy, and implications for clinical management - 05/01/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.04.005 
Sarah K. Baxter, MD, PhD a, b, c, Tom Walsh, PhD c, Silvia Casadei, PhD c, Mary M. Eckert, BS b, Eric J. Allenspach, MD, PhD a, b, David Hagin, MD, PhD b, d, Gesmar Segundo, MD, PhD e, Ming K. Lee, PhD c, Suleyman Gulsuner, MD, PhD c, Brian H. Shirts, MD, PhD f, Kathleen E. Sullivan, MD, PhD g, Michael D. Keller, MD h, Troy R. Torgerson, MD, PhD a, b, Mary-Claire King, PhD c,
a Department of Pediatrics (Pediatric Rheumatology), University of Washington, Seattle, Wash 
b Seattle Children’s Hospital and Research Institute, Seattle, Wash 
c Department of Medicine (Medical Genetics) and Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash 
d Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, Department of Medicine, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel 
e Department of Pediatrics (Allergy and Immunology), Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil 
f Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash 
g Division of Allergy and Immunology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa 
h Division of Allergy and Immunology, Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC 

Corresponding author: Mary-Claire King, PhD, University of Washington, Health Sciences K-160, 1959 NE Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98195.University of WashingtonHealth Sciences K-1601959 NE Pacific StSeattleWA98195



Most patients with childhood-onset immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, and enteropathy have no genetic diagnosis for their illness. These patients may undergo empirical immunosuppressive treatment with highly variable outcomes.


We sought to determine the genetic basis of disease in patients referred with Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked–like (IPEX-like) disease, but with no mutation in FOXP3; then to assess consequences of genetic diagnoses for clinical management.


Genomic DNA was sequenced using a panel of 462 genes implicated in inborn errors of immunity. Candidate mutations were characterized by genomic, transcriptional, and (for some) protein analysis.


Of 123 patients with FOXP3-negative IPEX-like disease, 48 (39%) carried damaging germline mutations in 1 of the following 27 genes: AIRE, BACH2, BCL11B, CARD11, CARD14, CTLA4, IRF2BP2, ITCH, JAK1, KMT2D, LRBA, MYO5B, NFKB1, NLRC4, POLA1, POMP, RAG1, SH2D1A, SKIV2L, STAT1, STAT3, TNFAIP3, TNFRSF6/FAS, TNRSF13B/TACI, TOM1, TTC37, and XIAP. Many of these genes had not been previously associated with an IPEX-like diagnosis. For 42 of the 48 patients with genetic diagnoses, knowing the critical gene could have altered therapeutic management, including recommendations for targeted treatments and for or against hematopoietic cell transplantation.


Many childhood disorders now bundled as “IPEX-like” disease are caused by individually rare, severe mutations in immune regulation genes. Most genetic diagnoses of these conditions yield clinically actionable findings. Barriers are lack of testing or lack of repeat testing if older technologies failed to provide a diagnosis.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Key words : Immune dysregulation, molecular diagnosis, genetics, sequencing, pediatric, precision medicine, autoimmunity, inborn errors of immunity, primary immunodeficiency disorders

Abbreviations used : CNV, HCT, IPE, IPEX, IUIS


 This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant no. NIH R35CA197458 to M.C.K.) and King Lab Gift Fund.
 Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: T. Walsh is a consultant for Color Genomics. T. R. Torgerson is currently employed by the Allen Institute for Immunology, Seattle. The rest of the authors declare that they have no relevant conflicts of interest.

© 2021  American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 149 - N° 1

P. 327-339 - janvier 2022 Retour au numéro
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