
Complications after discharge with COVID-19 infection and risk factors associated with development of post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis - 23/10/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.rmed.2021.106602 
Dr Raminder Aul , Dr Jessica Gates, Dr Adrian Draper, Dr Anne Dunleavy, Dr Sachelle Ruickbie, Dr Helen Meredith, Dr Nicola Walters, Dr Cristiano van Zeller, Dr Victoria Taylor, Dr Michael Bridgett, Dr Roisin Dunwoody, Dr Sisa Grubnic, Dr Tersesa Jacob, Dr Yee Ean Ong
 St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK 

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Survivors of COVID-19 infection may develop post-covid pulmonary fibrosis (PCF) and suffer from long term multi-system complications. The magnitude and risk factors associated with these are unknown.


We investigated the prevalence and risk factors associated with PCF and other complications in patients discharged after COVID-19 infection.


Patients had phone assessment 6 weeks post hospital discharge after COVID-19 infection using a set protocol. Those with significant respiratory symptoms were investigated with a CTPA, Pulmonary Function Tests and echocardiogram. Prevalence of myalgia, fatigue, psychological symptoms and PCF was obtained. Risk factors associated with these were investigated.


A large number of patients had persistent fatigue (45.1%), breathlessness (36.5%), myalgia (20.5%) and psychological symptoms (19.5%). PCF was seen in 9.5% of the patients and was associated with persistent breathlessness at 6 weeks and inpatient ventilation [adjusted OR 5.02(1.76–14.27) and 4.45(1.27–15.58)] respectively. It was more common in men and in patients with peak CRP >171.5 mg/L, peak WBC count ≥12 × 10 9/L, severe inpatient COVID-19 CXR changes and CT changes. Ventilation was also a risk factor for persisting fatigue and myalgia, the latter was also more common in those with severe cytokine storm and severe COVID-19 inpatient CXR changes.


All the patients discharged after COVID-19 should be assessed using a set protocol by a multidisciplinary team. Patients who had severe COVID-19 infection particularly those who were intubated and who have persistent breathlessness are at risk of developing PCF. They should have a CT Chest and have respiratory follow-up.

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Persistent fatigue, breathlessness and myalgia are common after COVID-19 infection.
9.3% of the patients with persistent respiratory symptoms have Post Covid Pulmonary Fibrosis (PCF).
Breathlessness at 6 weeks and prior intubation are the strongest risk factors associated with PCF.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : COVID-19, Post COVID Fibrosis, Long term complications of COVID-19


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