G. Martens a, ⁎
, P. Edouard a, b, c, Ph. M. Tscholl a, d, F. Bieuzen a, e, L. Winkler a, f, J. Cabri a, g, A. Urhausen a, g, h, i, G. Guilhem a, j, J.-L. Croiser a, k, P. Thoreux a, f, l, m, S. Leclerc a, e, D. Hannouche a, d, J.-F. Kaux a, k, S. Le Garrec a, f, R. Seil a, g, h, n
ReFORM IOC Research Centre for Prevention of Injury, Protection of Athlete Health
a Service de médecine physique et réadaptation, CHU de Liège, 1, avenue de l’Hôpital, 4000 Liège, Belgique
b Sports Medicine Unit, Department of Clinical and Exercise Physiology, University Hospital of Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France
c Inter-university Laboratory of Human Movement Science (LIBM EA 7424), University of Lyon, University Jean-Monnet, 42023 Saint-Étienne, France
d Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Suisse
e Institut national du sport du Québec (INS), Montréal, QC, Canada
f French National Institute of Sport (INSEP), Paris, France
g Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science, Luxembourg
h Clinique du sport, centre hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg
i Human Motion, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Digital Methods, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg
j Laboratory Sport, Expertise and Performance (EA 7370), French Institute of Sport (INSEP), Paris, France
k Physical Medicine and Sport Traumatology Department, SportS2, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, FIMS Collaborative Centre of Sports Medicine, University and University Hospital of Liege, Liege, Belgique
l Centre d’investigations en médecine du sport (CIMS), hôpital Hôtel-Dieu, AP–HP, Paris, France
m Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, IBHGC – institut de biomécanique humaine Georges-Charpak, université Sorbonne-Paris-Nord, Paris, France
n Service de chirurgie orthopédique, centre hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg