
No radiological and biological sign of trunnionosis with Large Diameter Head Ceramic Bearing Total Hip Arthroplasty after 5 years - 30/01/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2019.12.015 
David Eichler, Janie Barry, Martin Lavigne, Vincent Massé, Pascal-André Vendittoli
 Université de Montréal, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Department of Surgery, 5415, boulevard de l’Assomption, Montréal, QC H1T2M4, Canada 

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Trunnionosis of large diameter (LDH) metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty (THA) was linked to high systemic chromium (Cr) and cobalt (Co) ion levels and local adverse reactions to metal debris (ARMD). The safety of CoC LDH THA is not yet available at mid-term. Measuring whole blood Ti level of ceramic on ceramic (CoC) LDH THA with a titanium (Ti) stem is an indirect way to assess the performance of its head-neck taper modular junction. Therefore, we wanted to determine: (1) if the whole blood Ti ion levels in patients with LDH CoC THA after a minimum of 5 years of implantation is within the expected values for similar well performing Ti THA, (2) if Ti level scientifically increases over time, which would suggest the presence of a progressive modular head/neck junction wear process, (3) if clinical or radiographical manifestations of implant dysfunction are present?


Ti blood levels of LDH CoC THA will indirectly reflect the expected levels due to passive corrosion of the implants and will be stable over time.

Patients and methods

We report the whole blood Ti, Cr, and Co levels at 5years minimum for 57 patients with unilateral primary LDH CoC THA with head sizes ranging from 36 to 48mm using Ti stem and acetabular component. To compare Ti ion levels modification over time, in 25 patients were a previous measurement (1–3years) was available, we compared it to their last follow-up results (>5 years). Mean Ti level in well performing Ti THAs is recognized to be around 2.0 ug/L. Although, there are no universally accepted Ti levels associated with problematic implant, we used safety threshold of 10 ug/L. Clinical and radiological outcomes were recorded at last follow-up.


At 79 months mean follow-up, all mean Ti levels were 1.9μg/L (min 1.2, max 4.4) and all subject had values below the safety threshold of 10ug/L. In the subgroup of 25 cases with a previous measurement, there was a decrease in mean Ti levels between 20 months and 78 months follow-up (2.2μg/L (1.6–3.9) versus 2.0μg/L (1.4–2.8), p=0.007). No statistically significant relation was observed between Ti level at last FU and bearing diameter (rho=0.046, p=0.0734) or the presence or absence of a Ti adaptor sleeve (p=0.454): 1.94ug/L (min 1.20, max 2.80) versus 1.90ug/L (min 1.20, max 4.40). At last follow up, no patients presented osteolysis signs on radiographs, clinical signs of ARMD or were reoperated. Most patients had excellent clinical with 98% of them reporting minor (29%) or no functional limitation (69%) and 44% perceive their THA as a natural hip joint. However, 3/57patients (5%) temporarily experienced hip squeaking and 18/57 (31%) reported clicking sound.


With the tested LDH CoC THA, Ti levels were low and related the uneventful and unavoidable passive corrosion of implant surfaces. Mid-term measurement of Ti in subjects with LDH CoC did not reveal any indirect signs of trunnionosis, which should already be observable by this time.

Level of evidence

IV, retrospective study.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Trunnionosis, Ceramic, Titanium, Metal ions, Taper junction, Total hip arthroplasty, Corrosion, Large diameter head, Modularity

Abbreviations : ARMD, Co, CoC, CoM, CoP, Cr, FU, LDH, MoM, MoP, PJP, SD, THA, Ti


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Vol 107 - N° 1

Article 102543- février 2021 Retour au numéro
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