
Pathogenesis of ocular tuberculosis: New observations and future directions - 30/09/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.tube.2020.101961 
Soumyava Basu a, , Paul Elkington b, Narsing A. Rao c
a Retina and Uveitis Service, L V Prasad Eye Institute (Mithu Tulsi Chanrai Campus), Bhubaneswar, India 
b NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, School of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK 
c USC-Roski Eye Institute, Department of Ophthalmology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 

Corresponding author. L V Prasad Eye Institute (MTC Campus), Patia, Bhubaneswar, India.L V Prasad Eye Institute (MTC Campus)PatiaBhubaneswarIndia


Ocular tuberculosis (OTB) encompasses all forms of intra- and extra-ocular inflammation associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. However, the organism is rarely found in ocular fluid samples of diseased eyes, rendering the pathomechanisms of the disease unclear. This confounds clinical decision-making in diagnosis and treatment of OTB. Here, we critically review existing human and animal data related to ocular inflammation and TB pathogenesis to unravel likely pathomechanisms of OTB. Broadly there appear to be two fundamental mechanisms that may underlie the development of TB-associated ocular inflammation: a. inflammatory response to live/replicating Mtb in the eye, and b. immune mediated ocular inflammation induced by non-viable Mtb or its components in the eye. This distinction is significant as in direct Mtb-driven mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment would be aimed at detection of Mtb-infection and its elimination; while indirect mechanisms would primarily require anti-inflammatory therapy with adjunctive anti-TB therapy. Further, we discuss how that most clinical phenotypes of OTB likely represent a combination of both mechanisms, with one being predominant than the other.

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Pathomechanisms in ocular TB are likely to be multi-factorial.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis may be directly or indirectly implicated.
Indirect mechanisms include autoimmune response in eye and remote immune priming.
Diagnosis and treatment should target the predominant mechanism.

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Keywords : Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium, Ocular, Uveitis, Pathogenesis, Autoimmunity


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