L. Khider a, S. Soudet b, D. Laneelle c, G. Boge d, A. Bura-Rivière e, J. Constans f, M. Dadon g, H. Desmurs-Clavel h, A. Diard i, A. Elias j, J. Emmerich k, l, J.-P. Galanaud m, P. Giordana n, S. Gracia o, A. Hamade p, C. Jurus q, C. Le Hello r, A. Long s, U. Michon-Pasturel k, l, T. Mirault a, G. Miserey t, A. Perez-Martin u, G. Pernod v, I. Quere d, M. Sprynger w, D. Stephan x, D. Wahl y, S. Zuily z, G. Mahe z, M.A. Sevestre b, ⁎ ![](/templates/common/images/mail.png)
on behalf of theFrench Society of Vascular Medicine (SFMV)
a Vascular Medicine department, Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, Paris University, AP–HP, 75015 Paris, France
b Vascular Medicine department, University Hospital Amiens Picardie, 80000 Amiens, France
c Vascular Medicine department, University Hospital of Caen-Normandie, 14000 Caen, France
d Vascular Medicine unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Montpellier University Hospital, 34000 Montpellier cedex 5, France
e Vascular Medicine department, CHU of Rangueil, 31059 Toulouse cedex 9, France
f Vascular Medicine department, Saint-André Hospital, 33075 Bordeaux cedex, France
g Vascular Medicine department, Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital Group, 75014 Paris, France
h Internal Medicine department, Hospital Edouard-Herriot, 69003 Lyon, France
i Vascular Medicine office, 33550 Langoiran, France
j Vascular Medicine department, Sainte-Musse Hospital Center, 83100 Toulon, France
k Vascular Medicine department, Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital Group, 75014 Paris, France
l Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
m Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, M4N 3M5 Toronto, ON, Canada
n Vascular Medicine office, 06000 Nice, France
o Vascular Medicine office, 17138 Puilboreau, France
p Vascular Medicine unit, Emile-Muller Hospital, 68070 Mulhouse cedex 01, France
q Vascular Medicine department, Tonkin Clinic, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
r Vascular Medicine department, University Hospital of Saint-Étienne, 42000 Saint-Étienne, France
s Vascular Medicine department, Edouard-Herriot Hospital, 69003 Lyon, France
t Vascular Medicine office, 78120 Rambouillet, France
u Vascular Medicine department, University hospital of Nîmes, 30000 Nîmes, France
v Vascular Medicine department, Grenoble-Alpes University Hospital, 38000 Grenoble, France
w Department of Cardiology, University Hospital of Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium
x Hypertension and Vascular Medicine department, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, 67000 Strasbourg, France
y Vascular Medicine Division and Regional Competence Centre for Rare Vascular and Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, CHRU de Nancy, 54000 Nancy, France
z Vascular Medicine departement, University hospital of Rennes, 35000 Rennes, France