
Permanent, habitual dislocation and recurrent dislocation of the patella in children: surgical management by patellar ligamentous transfer in 50 knees - 27/03/08

Doi : rce-07-2007-93-7-0035-1040-101019-200520001 

C. Garin [1],

M. Chaker [1],

B. Dohin [1],

R. Kohler [1]

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pages 11
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À propos d'une série de 35 patients (50 genoux)

Purpose of the study

Appropriate treatment of patellar dislocation in children and adolescents remains a subject of debate. Ligamentous transfer, or patellar tendon transfer, is a technique for realigning the extensor mechanism that can be adapted to children. We analyzed the results obtained in our patients.

Material and methods

Between 1979 and 2000, 35 children (50 knees) underwent realignment, which was combined in all cases with lateral retinaculum release and medial reefing using the Insall procedure. Complementary procedures were needed in certain cases (quadriceps lengthening, trochleoplasty, quadriceps release). Mean age at surgery was 11 years (range, 515 years). All patients were reviewed at skeletal maturity with a mean follow-up of 7.5 years. The last review included a functional assessment using the IKDC form and standard x-rays (anteroposterior and lateral standing view and tangential view at 30° flexion). A computed tomography scan and/or magnetic resonance imaging series were done preoperatively and at last follow-up.


We distinguished two groups of patients: those with major (permanent or habitual) dislocation of the patella and those with recurrent dislocation. Functional outcome was good in 76% and 86% of knees respectively. There were eight cases of recurrent dislocation: five knees underwent revision surgery with good outcome. The trochlear angle was improved in both groups, but especially in the congenital dislocation group. There was one case of reversed tibial slope (-2°) and two slopes at 0°. Functional outcome was equivalent to results from earlier series (Grammont, Bensahel, Langeskiold), but comparison was hampered due to the heterogeneous nature of the different series. Trochlear remodeling can provide good patellar stability if the surgery is performed early enough (before the age of 10 years). In teenagers with major instability, trochleoplasty must be associated with the realignment procedure. We noted a small amplitude reduction of the tibial slope in 11 knees. The procedure appears to have an epiphysiodesis effect but with no functional consequences.


Ligamentous transfer combined with different procedures is a method of choice for stabilizing the extensor system, enabling a normal trochlear angle if the child is operated early. Remodeling the tibial tuberosity could be related to a transient vascular disorder.

Keywords: Permanent dislocation of the patella , childhood , surgery , habitual dislocation of the patella , recurrent dislocation of the patella


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Vol 93 - N° 7

P. 690-700 - novembre 2007 Retour au numéro
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