
Efficacy of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/ribavirin in management of HCV genotype 4 and end-stage kidney disease - 07/02/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.clinre.2018.08.003 
Mohamed A. Mekky a, , Mohamed O. Abdel-Malek a, Heba A. Osman b, Essam M. Abdel-Aziz c, Abdel-Kader A. Hashim d, Helal F. Hetta e, Khairy H. Morsy f
a Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Hepatology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut university, 71515 Assiut, Egypt 
b Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Hepatology Division, Faculty of Medicine, South Valley university, Qena, Egypt 
c Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut university, Assiut, Egypt 
d Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology Division, Faculty of Medicine, South Valley university, Qena, Egypt 
e Medical Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut university, Assiut, Egypt 
f Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Hepatology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag university, Sohag, Egypt 

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Till now, pooled data about the safety and efficacy of different direct-acting antiviral (DAAs) regimens in different renal situations are still under evaluation.


To evaluate a real-life experience of the efficacy and safety of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir plus ribavirin (OBV/PTV/r plus RIB) in patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD).

Patients and methods

Between January 2017 and January 2018, an open-label multicenter prospective study was designed to enroll all consecutive patients with proven CHC genotype 4 infections and concomitant ESKD based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) with (HD group) or without hemodialysis (non-HD group). Patients were given a co-formula of OBV/PTV/r (25/150/100 mg) once-daily plus RIB was given for 12 weeks. Sustained virologic response (SVR 12) was the primary endpoint.


A total of 110 patients were enrolled. An overall SVR 12 was reported in 104 (94.5%) patients, and treatment failure were reported in 6 patients [2 patients (1.8%) were relapsed, and 4 patients (3.6%) patients were non-responders]. SVR12 was 96% in HD and 91.4% in non-HD patients (P = 0.286).

There were no reported serious adverse events. Anemia was reported in 66.6% (n = 50) in HD group and in 31.4% (n = 11) in non-HD group.


Although it is still challenging, achievement of SVR12 in patients with chronic HCV and concomitant end-stage kidney disease in the era of DAAs became possible with a 12 weeks course of a co-formula of ombitasvir/paritaprevir /ritonavir plus ribavirin.

ClinicalTrials.gov ID


Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviation : HD

Keywords : HCV, End-stage kidney disease, DAAs


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Vol 43 - N° 1

P. 82-87 - février 2019 Retour au numéro
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