
Challenges faced by young otolaryngologists-head & neck surgeons around the world - 19/09/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.anorl.2018.06.007 
I. Fournier a, N. Fakhry b, T. Kennel c, N. Tessier d, A. Bahgat e, J.R. Lechien f, T. Ayad g,
a School of medicine, université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada 
b Hôpital de la Conception, 13005 Marseille, France 
c Hôpital universitaire Gui-de-Chauliac, université de Montpellier, CHRU de Montpellier, 34295 Montpellier, France 
d Hôpital Robert-Debré, 75019 Paris, France 
e Lecturer of otorhinolaryngology and consultant of sleep surgery, Alexandria university, Alexandria, Egypt 
f School of medicine, université de Mons, Mons, Belgium 
g Centre hospitalier de l’université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada 

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To document work-related stressors and to identify coping strategies employed by young board-certified otolaryngologists-head & neck surgeons (OTL-HNS) around the world. The second objective is to evaluate demographic and professional characteristics associated with a higher level of work-related stress.


A survey was sent to all OTL-HNS under 45 years old from the 2017 IFOS meeting. This survey was conducted by the YO-IFOS group (Young Otolaryngologists of the International Federation of Otolaryngological Societies). Data were collected for a period of 1 month. Demographic characteristics and information concerning challenges encountered by OTL-HNS during the early years of their career were collected.


Among the 2787 attendees, 928 responded to the survey (response rate=33.3%). The three most frequent challenges faced by OTL-HNS in the early years of their career were related to administrative workload (45%), high patient quota (42%) and desire to achieve adequate work-life balance (42%). Practices used by OTL-HNS to cope with stress were physical activity (37%), recreational activities (35%) and self-organization (32%). Higher levels of stress were frequently found in participants who possessed five to ten years of experience (P=0.007) and who were employed by an academic institution (P=0.020). On the other hand, lower levels of stress were often encountered in participants who had 5 years or less of experience (P=0.002).


This study provides insight on characteristics that are associated with various levels of stress. Moreover, it demonstrates the work-related stressors and the resilience techniques employed by OTL-HNS in early years of their career. Stress will always be present during the surgeon's career. Therefore, knowing how to recognize it and how to deal with it is key. More resources should be made available for OTL-HNS needing aid. Because surgeons must be in control of their stress if they want to provide high quality health care.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Challenge, Work-related stress, Stress, Otolaryngology-head & neck surgery, ENT


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Vol 135 - N° 5S

P. S67-S73 - septembre 2018 Retour au numéro
Article précédent Article précédent
  • Young Otolaryngologists of International Federation of Oto-rhino-laryngological Societies (YO-IFOS) committees
  • T. Ayad, K. Stephenson, D. (A.L.) Smit, O. Ben-Ari, R. Késmárszky, J.R. Lechien, S. Sobol, C. Meller, Z. Sargi, R. Maunsell, R.D. De Siati, H. Jia, V. Krishnan, H. North, E.G. Eter, O. Metwaly, S. Peer, N. Teissier, L. Sowerby, P. Hong, N. Fakhry
| Article suivant Article suivant
  • Global Professional Behaviours and Networking Preferences of Young Otolaryngologists – An International Survey
  • K.A. Stephenson, D. Ramdhani, I. Fournier, T. Ayad

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