
Evaluation of IP-10 in Quantiferon-Plus as biomarker for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection - 19/07/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.tube.2018.06.005 
Linda Petrone a , Valentina Vanini a , Teresa Chiacchio a , Elisa Petruccioli a , Gilda Cuzzi a , Vincenzo Schininà b , Fabrizio Palmieri c , Giuseppe Ippolito d , Delia Goletti a,
a Translational Research Unit, National Institute for Infectious Diseases “L.Spallanzani” (INMI), Via Portuense 292, 00149, Rome, Italy 
b Radiology Department, INMI, Via Portuense 292, 00149, Rome, Italy 
c Clinical Department, INMI, Via Portuense 292, 00149, Rome, Italy 
d Scientific Direction, INMI, Via Portuense 292, 00149, Rome, Italy 

Corresponding author. Laboratorio del Vecchio, Room 13, Head of Translational Research Unit, Department of Epidemiology and Preclinical Research National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Via Portuense 292, Rome 00149 Italy.Laboratorio del VecchioHead of Translational Research UnitDepartment of Epidemiology and Preclinical Research National Institute for Infectious DiseasesRoom 13Via Portuense 292Rome00149Italy


The QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) is a new test for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) diagnosis, in which has been added a new tube containing shorter peptides stimulating CD8 T-cells and CD4-stimulating-peptides. Measurement of alternative biomarkers to Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in QFT-Plus may improve its sensitivity. Interferon-γ inducible protein 10 (IP-10), has been proposed as a tuberculosis (TB) biomarker. We aimed to evaluate the IP-10 accuracy in QFT-Plus for LTBI diagnosis.

QFT-Plus was performed in 36 active TB, 31 LTBI and 16 healthy donors (HD). IP-10 was detected by ELISA.

IP-10 is increased in TB1 and TB2 tubes in subjects with active TB and LTBI compared to HD. A ROC analysis comparing active TB and HD was performed and a cut-off of 1174 pg/mL for TB1 and 928.8 pg/mL for TB2 identified active TB with 86% sensitivity (Se) and 94% specificity (Sp). Moreover, increased IP-10 in response to TB1 was found in subjects with LTBI compared to those with active TB. A cut-off point of ≥16,108 pg/mL was chosen to maximize the test performance. However, the test predicted LTBI only with 58% Se and 61% Sp.

These results suggest that IP-10 is an alternative biomarker to IFN-γ in the QFT-Plus format.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Tuberculosis, IP-10, LTBI, Quantiferon-plus, Diagnosis, Inflammation


© 2018  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 111

P. 147-153 - juillet 2018 Retour au numéro
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