
Detection of mycobacterial infection in non-human primates using the Xpert MTB/RIF molecular assay - 22/11/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.tube.2017.08.003 
Duanne Alves da Silva a, Amanda M. Rêgo a, Nicole V. Ferreira a, Manoela A.S. de Andrade a, Aline R. Campelo a, Paulo César S. Caldas a, Márcia Aparecida S. Pereira a, Paulo Redner a, Lucindo C. de Pina a, Felipe C. Resende b, Thalita A. Pissinatti b, Claudia A.A. Lopes b, Tatiana Kugelmeier b, Javier A.S. Perea b, Igo V. de Souza b, Fábio A. da Silva b, Carla F. Campos b, Fátima C.O. Fandinho Montes a, L. Caetano M. Antunes a, c,
a Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, National Laboratory for Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterioses, Professor Hélio Fraga Reference Center, National School of Public Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
b Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Institute for Biomodels Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
c Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, National Institute for Science and Technology on Innovation on Diseases of Neglected Populations, Center for Technological Development in Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Corresponding author. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, National Laboratory for Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterioses, Professor Hélio Fraga Reference Center, National School of Public Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Oswaldo Cruz FoundationNational Laboratory for Tuberculosis and Other MycobacteriosesProfessor Hélio Fraga Reference CenterNational School of Public HealthRio de JaneiroBrazil


Tuberculosis is a major public health concern, and diagnostic strategies applied to animal populations are scarce. As part of ongoing efforts to control tuberculosis dissemination at our animal facility, two non-human primates (NHP, Saimiri sciureus) presenting cutaneous lesions were examined for mycobacterial infection. Both animals tested positive for acid-fast bacilli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a molecular assay (IS6110 PCR). Animals were euthanized and several samples were tested for M. tuberculosis using the Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Many samples were positive for M. tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance, and some produced mycobacterial growth. Oral swabs from cage mates were then tested with Xpert MTB/RIF, and the majority tested positive for M. tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance, and produced growth in culture. To our knowledge, this is the first report of multidrug-resistant mycobacterial infection in NHP. Additionally, our data shows that the Xpert MTB/RIF assay can be useful as a screening tool for tuberculosis infection in NHP.

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Keywords : Tuberculosis, Diagnosis, Resistance, Zoonosis


© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 107

P. 59-62 - décembre 2017 Retour au numéro
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