
Applied multiplex allele specific PCR to detect second-line drug resistance among multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in China - 22/11/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.tube.2017.07.010 
Ya-ping Liang a, b, 1, Yan Chen a, c, 1, Tong-yang Xiao a, Qiang Xia d, Hai-can Liu a, Xiu-qin Zhao a, Chun-yan Zeng e, Li-li Zhao a, , Kang-lin Wan a,
a State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China 
b Shaanxi TB Prevention and Treatment Hospital, Xi'an, 710100, China 
c Beijing Chest Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China 
d Zhejiang Prevention and Treatment Center of Tuberculosis, Zhejiang TCM & WM Hospital, Hangzhou, China 
e Hulunbeier People's Hospital, Hulunbeier, China 

Corresponding author. P.O. Box 5, Changping, Beijing, 102206, China.P.O. Box 5ChangpingBeijing102206China∗∗Corresponding author. P.O. Box 5, Changping, Beijing, 102206, China.P.O. Box 5ChangpingBeijing102206China


Rapid detection of resistance to the second-line drugs is essential for early initiation of appropriate anti-tubercular treatment regimen among multi-drug tuberculosis (MDR-TB). In this study, we applied a multiplex allele-specific PCR (MAS-PCR) to identify the mutations on codons 90 and 94 of gyrA and nucleotide 1401 of rrs for detecting ofloxacin (OFX) and kanamycin (KAN) resistance in 139 MDR-TB isolates from China. Using the traditional phenotypic method as the reference, MAS-PCR detected resistance to OFX and KAN with sensitivities of 67.3% and 76.5%, respectively, and specificities of 100.0%. Therefore, MAS-PCR assays can be used for rapid detection of second-line drug resistance among MDR-TB in China, enabling early administration of appropriate treatment regimens to the affected MDR-TB patients.

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Keywords : Multiplex allele specific PCR, Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, Ofloxacin, Kanamycin


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Vol 107

P. 1-4 - décembre 2017 Retour au numéro
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