
Photoprotection by melanin—a comparison of black and Caucasian skin - 07/10/17

Doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(79)70018-1 
Kays H. Kaidbey, M.D. , Patricia Poh Agin, M.S., Robert M. Sayre, Ph.D., Albert M. Kligman, M.D., Ph.D.
a Philadelphia, PA, USA 
b Memphis, TN, USA 

*Reprint requests to: Dr. Kays H. Kaidbey, Duhring Laboratories, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, 3500 Market St., Suite 203, Philadelphia, PA 19104.


The photoprotective role of melanin was evaluated by comparing the transmission of ultraviolet (UV) radiation through skin samples of blacks and Caucasians, using both biologic and spectroscopic techniques. UVA transmission was measured using fluoranthene, which causes a phototoxic response to UVA wavelengths. UVB was measured by monitoring erythema produced by either a 150-watt xenon arc or FS-20 sunlamps. It was found that on the average, five times as much ultraviolet light (UVB and UVA) reaches the upper dermis of Caucasians as reaches that of blacks. Differences in transmission between the stratum corneum of blacks and of Caucasians were far less striking. The main site of UV filtration in Caucasians is the stratum corneum, whereas in blacks it is the malpighian layers. Melanin acts as a neutral density filter, reducing all wavelengths of light equally. The superior photoprotection of black epidermis is due not only to increased melanin content but also to other factors related to packaging and distribution of melanosomes. Not only are these data consistent with epidemiologic evidence, but they also may indicate why blacks are less disposed to phototoxic drug responses as well as less susceptible to acute and chronic actinic damage.

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Abbreviations used : E, whole epidermis (including stratum corneum), EPI, epidermis, MAL, malpighian layer, MED, minimal erythema dose, MPD, minimum phototoxic dose, PF, protection factor, STC, stratum corneum, UV, ultraviolet in vitro forward scattering spectrum using integrating sphere, UV, spectrum UVA-SS solar simulator UVA transmission in human volunteers, UVB-FS, FS sunlamp UVB transmission on human volunteers, UVB-SS, solar simulator UVB transmission in human volunteers

© 1979  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 1 - N° 3

P. 249-260 - septembre 1979 Retour au numéro
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  • Psoriasis improved by anthracene with near ultraviolet light
  • Joseph F. Walter

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