
Rett syndrome: Cerebellar pathology - 06/10/17

Doi : 10.1016/0887-8994(90)90022-S 
Anders Oldfors, MD, PhD , , Patrick Sourander, MD, PhD , Dawna L. Armstrong, MD , Alan K. Percy, MD , Ingegerd Witt-Engerström, MD §, Bengt A. Hagberg, MD, PhD §
 Department of Pathology; University of Göteborg; Göteborg, Sweden 
§ Department of Pediatrics II; University of Göteborg; Göteborg, Sweden 
 Department of Pediatrics; Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, Texas USA. 
 Department of Pathology; Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, Texas USA. 

Communications should be addressed to: Dr. Oldfors; Department of Pathology; Sahlgren's Hospital; S-41345 Göteborg, Sweden.


The cerebellar pathology at autopsy of 5 patients with Rett syndrome is described. The patients ranged in age from 7–30 years. All had markedly reduced brain weights with proportionately small cerebella. Microscopic examination revealed loss of Purkinje cells, atrophy, astrocytic gliosis of the molecular and granular cell layers, and gliosis and loss of myelin in the white matter. Cortical atrophy occurred focally along the folia and was often more marked in the tips of the folia. The 2 oldest patients had been treated with phenytoin which may have contributed to the morphologic changes. Atrophy and gliosis increased with age or in patients without phenytoin treatment; the youngest patient demonstrated only minor microscopic changes. In addition to the generalized alterations, 1 patient had several adjacent folia with severe atrophy. The results indicate that cerebellar changes in Rett syndrome consist of general hypoplasia with the addition of atrophy beginning in childhood and progressing over many years.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

 This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project Number 07122), USPHS HD 24234, the Sävstaholm Association, the Swedish Society for Medical Research, the Sigurd and Elsa Golje Memorial Foundation, the First of May Flower Annual Campaign for Children's Health, and the Jerring Foundation.

© 1990  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 6 - N° 5

P. 310-314 - septembre 1990 Retour au numéro
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