
The impact of emotional acknowledgement and self-esteem on resilience to family dysfunction - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1346 
C. Fontaine , C. Connor, S. Channa, C. Palmer, M. Birchwood
 University of Warwick, Warwick Medical School, Coventry, United Kingdom 

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Family dysfunction can test the resilience of adolescents, specifically those from single parent families and those attending schools in more socio-economically challenged areas.


To determine what factors are associated with resilience for those from single parent families or attend schools in more socio-economically challenged areas.


To examine the role of emotional regulation and self-esteem as putative resilience factors in the context of single parents status and socioeconomic disadvantage.


Secondary school pupils from single and dual parent families aged 13 to 15 answered questionnaires at three time points on: emotional regulation, self-esteem, depression and anxiety. A total of 434 pupils took part at time 1, 574 at time 2, and 467 at time 3. The secondary schools were categorised into more and less disadvantaged schools.


Positive self-esteem [F(1.205)=54.568, P=0.000; F(1.157)=35.582, P=0.000] and emotional regulation [F(1.205)=46.925, P=0.000; F(1.157)=16.583, P=0.000] were both associated with resilience against depression in adolescents from single parent families. Positive self-esteem [F(1,75)=102.629, P=0.000; F(1.355)=60.555, P=0.000] and emotional regulation [F(1.60)=34.813, P=0.000; F(1.73)=36.891, P=0.000] were both associated with resilience against depression in adolescents attending more socio-economically challenged areas.


This research suggests that adolescent resilience against depression may be promoted by improving self-esteem and emotional regulation. Therefore, future interventions could focus on boosting these resilience factors. Further resilience research could include emotional regulation and self-esteem as protective factors for resilience in adolescent mental health. As these variables have been identified, they can help find more pieces to the complex puzzle of resilience.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S734-S735 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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