
High-resolution Map of Somatic Periprostatic Nerves - 28/10/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.urology.2016.08.027 
Fairleigh Reeves a, * , Shane Battye b, James F. Borin c, Niall M. Corcoran a, d, Anthony J. Costello a, d
a Departments of Urology and Surgery, University of Melbourne, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia 
b TissuPath Pty Ltd, Mount Waverley, Australia 
c Department of Urology, New York University, New York, NY 
d Australian Prostate Cancer Centre, Epworth Hospital, Australia 

*Address correspondence to: Fairleigh Reeves, Department of Urology, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Level 3 Centre, Grattan St, Parkville, Vic. 3050, Australia.Department of UrologyThe Royal Melbourne HospitalLevel 3 CentreGrattan StParkvilleVic.3050Australia



To generate a high-resolution map of periprostatic somatic nerves. Periprostatic nerves are at risk of injury during radical prostatectomy; this study aimed to establish the location of somatic nerves with respect to the prostate and the neurovascular bundle.

Materials and Methods

Hemiprostates from patients in whom a wide local excision was performed were evaluated. Representative sections from the base, midzone, and apex of the prostate were stained with Masson's trichrome and antineuronal nitric oxide synthase antibodies, to identify myelinated and parasympathetic nerves, respectively. Somatic nerves were identified as neuronal nitric oxide synthase negative myelinated nerves. Stained slides were scanned (40× objective) for digital analysis. Location of nerves was described with reference to 6 equal sectors per hemiprostate.


Somatic nerves account for almost 5% of all nerve fibers in the periprostatic tissue. This study found a mean somatic nerve count of 5.83, 5.25, and 3.67 at the level of the prostate base, midzone, and apex, respectively. These nerves are most frequently located either anteriorly or in the region of the neurovascular bundle (posterolateral).


Somatic nerves in the periprostatic region are at risk of injury during radical prostatectomy. Further research is required to clarify their functional relevance.

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 Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no relevant financial interests.

© 2016  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 97

P. 160-165 - novembre 2016 Retour au numéro
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