
Sequential compression/decompression by a pulsating suit increases cutaneous microcirculatory blood flow in patients with type 2 diabetes - 22/09/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.diabet.2016.07.016 
Amel Rezki 1, , Badreddine Merioud 1, Dominique Delmas 2, Chantal Cyril 1, Raphaël Scheiwiller 3, Renan Leblé 3, Paul Valensi 1
1 Department of Endocrinology-Diabetology-Nutrition, Jean-Verdier hospital, Paris Nord University, AP–HP, CRNH-IdF, CINFO, Bondy, France 
2 Futurs Health products, Charenton-le-Pont, France 
3 Société Stendo, Louviers, France 

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Microcirculation is altered in diabetic patients. In healthy subjects sequential compression/decompression by a pulsating suit may induce noninvasively endothelial activation by a pure mechanical effect, which is intended to increase the physiological shear stress. The objective was to evaluate the effects of sequential compression/decompression on the cutaneous forearm microcirculation in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Materials and methods

Sixteen patients with type 2 diabetes (6 men and 10 women, age 53.3±11.4 yrs, 6 hypertensives, all on oral hypoglycaemic agents, no smoker, no cardiovascular disease, no renal failure, no retinopathy, HbA1c 7.1±0.8%) were enrolled in a controlled cross-over study and were randomised into two groups: a verum (at V1) and a phantom (at V2, 13±2 days after V1) compression at 65mmHg/decompression session using Stendo® pulsating suit was performed in group 1 and vice-versa in group 2. Each session spent 20minutes. The pulsating suit generates heart rate synchronized compression/decompression applied to the lower part of the body (legs and abdomen). Cutaneous forearm microcirculation blood flow was measured continuously by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF, Periflux System 5000®) before, during and until 30minutes after the end of the sessions.


The 20-minutes area under curves (AUC) calculated during Stendo sessions were 1976 (SD: 3938) and −2043 (SD: 8302), respectively in verum and phantom sessions. The mean 40-minutes and 50-minutes AUCs (during Stendo plus 20 and 30minutes after sessions stopped) were respectively 6936 and 7403 in verum, −7537 and −10,805 in phantom. The differences for AUC_40min and AUC_50min were higher between verum and phantom sessions (P<0.01 in all).


In T2D patients, sequential compression of the lower part of the body synchronized with each diastole period at a physiological pressure (65mmHg) induces a significant increase of the cutaneous forearm microcirculation flow, away from the pulsatile stimuli. Pulsating suit session appears to produce a “shear stress like” effect.

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Vol 42 - N° 4

P. 298 - septembre 2016 Retour au numéro
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