
Unplanned readmission after appendectomy - 24/08/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2015.08.018 
Zhobin Moghadamyeghaneh, M.D., Grace Hwang, M.D., Mark H. Hanna, M.D., Joseph C. Carmichael, M.D., Steven Mills, M.D., Alessio Pigazzi, M.D., Ph.D., Michael J. Stamos, M.D.
 Department of Surgery, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, 333 City Boulevard West Suite 1600, Irvine, CA, 92868, USA 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-714-456-6262; fax: +1-714-456-6377.



Unplanned readmission of patients who undergo appendectomy is a relatively frequent occurrence. Our aim was to report the most common reasons and the predictors of unplanned readmission after appendectomy.


The National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database was used to examine the clinical data of patients undergoing emergent and/or urgent appendectomy during 2012 to 2013. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to identify the predictors of unplanned readmission.


We evaluated a total of 46,960 patients who underwent appendectomy. Of these, 18.5% had perforated appendicitis. Overall, 1,755 (3.7%) of patients had an unplanned readmission. The most common reasons for readmission were intra-abdominal infection (27.3%), nonspecific abdominal pain (7.9%), and paralytic ileus (4.6%). Factors such as perforated appendicitis (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 1.38; P < .01), preoperative sepsis (AOR, 1.30; P < .01), and dirty surgical wound (AOR, 1.91; P < .01) were associated with unplanned readmission.


Overall, 3.7% of patients who underwent emergent appendectomy had an unplanned readmission. Intra-abdominal infections and nonspecific abdominal pain are the most common reasons for readmission. Unplanned readmissions are predominantly related to postoperative complications and severity of disease.

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Of the patients who underwent emergent appendectomy, 3.7% had an unplanned readmission.
Intra-abdominal infection is the leading cause of readmission after appendectomy.
Unspecific abdominal pain is the second most common reason for readmission.
Hospitalization length may predict the risk of readmission after appendectomy.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Unplanned readmission, Readmission, Appendectomy


 The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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Vol 212 - N° 3

P. 493-500 - septembre 2016 Retour au numéro
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