
Cochlear implants in Belgium: Prevalence in paediatric and adult cochlear implantation - 20/06/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.anorl.2016.04.018 
L. De Raeve a, b, c,
a Independent Information and Research Centre on Cochlear Implants, Zonhoven, Belgium 
b KIDS – Royal Institute for the Deaf, Hasselt, Belgium 
c University College Leuven-Limburg, Leuven, Belgium 

Correspondence. Independent Information and Research Centre on Cochlear Implants, Zonhoven, Belgium.

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Belgium, and especially the northern region called Flanders, has been a centre of expertise in cochlear implants and early hearing screening for many years. Cochlear implants are reimbursed by the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability (BNIHD) Insurance in adults and in children since October 1994. More than 20 years later, we would like to measure the prevalence of cochlear implants in adults and in children till now.

Materials and methods

Based on scientific research data on the prevalence of severe to profound hearing loss in adults and in children and on the number of implantations from the data of the BNIHD, we could measure the percentages of paediatric and adult CI users in comparing to the number of CI candidates.


The degree of utilisation of cochlear implantation varies considerably between the paediatric and the adult population. On average, 78% of deaf children are receiving cochlear implants, but in adults only 6.6% of CI candidates are receiving one.


There are big differences in Belgium in utilisation of cochlear implants between adults and children. Because of the underutilisation of cochlear implants, especially in adults, we have to work on raising the general awareness of the benefits of cochlear implants, and its improvement in quality of life, based on cost-effectiveness data and on guidelines for good clinical practice.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Cochlear implantation, Prevalence, Hearing loss, Belgium


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Vol 133 - N° S1

P. S57-S60 - juin 2016 Retour au numéro
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  • P.J. Boyle

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