
Diabetes mellitus is associated with acquisition and increased mortality in HIV-uninfected patients with cryptococcosis: A population-based study - 14/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.jinf.2016.01.016 
Kuo-Hsi Lin a, Chih-Ming Chen a, Te-Li Chen b, Shu-Chen Kuo c, Chih-Chauan Kao a, Ya-Chung Jeng d, Mao-Wang Ho e,
a Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC 
b Institutes of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 
c National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan, ROC 
d Department of Medical Research, Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC 
e Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC 

Corresponding author. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, No. 2, Yuh-Der Road, Taichung 404, Taiwan, ROC. Tel.: +886 4 22052121x1870; fax: +886 4 22077395.



To disclose the association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and cryptococcosis in HIV-uninfected patients.


Case patients' diagnoses with cryptococcosis and cryptococcal meningitis were based on data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database from 2000 to 2010, and diagnoses were defined using the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification. A case–control study comprising inpatient and outpatient populations was conducted using 4 controls for each patient (4587 case patients and 18,348 controls) matched for age, sex, monthly income, and urbanization level.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-uninfected patients with cryptococcosis were more likely to have diabetes than matched control patients (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.45; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.36–1.64; p < 0.001). A diagnosis of DM was also associated with 1-year and overall mortality from cryptococcosis (hazard ratio [HR], 1.39; 95% CI, 1.17–1.65; p < 0.001, HR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.29–1.67; p < 0.001; respectively) and cryptococcal meningitis (p = 0.018).


Diabetes was associated with the occurrence of cryptococcosis and cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-uninfected patients. DM was also associated with 1-year and overall mortality for these patients.

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Keywords : Diabetes mellitus, Cryptococcosis, Cryptococcal meningitis


© 2016  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 72 - N° 5

P. 608-614 - mai 2016 Retour au numéro
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