
P03-28 Antipsychotic combinations in an acute psychiatric unit - 17/03/09

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(09)71260-X 
A. Tatay Manteiga 1, T. Merino Magán 1, M. Lloret Diez-Canseco 1, L. Laguna Sopena 2, S. Cepeda Díez 1, P. Cervera Boada 1, M. Medina Garibo 1, R. Calabiug Crespo 1
1 Doctor Peset University Hospital, Agència Valenciana de Salut, Valencia, Spain 
2 CESMA (Community Adult Mental Health Unit) of Rambla, Mutua de Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain 

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Available data does not recommend antipsychotic drug combinations in treatment of psychotic symptoms and monotherapy is nowadays considered the option with the highest scientific evidence. Nevertheless, antipsychotics combination is a common practice in countries such as USA (40-60%), Japan (90%) and Spain (50-70%).


To determine antipsychotic combinations frequency in patients with a diagnosis into the psychotic spectrum admitted in an acute psychiatric unit. To determine the differences among these combinations according to diagnosis. To analyze which are the associations more commonly prescribed as well as the theoretical basis that supports them according to receptorial profiles.


Demographic and clinical data of patients with a psychotic-spectrum diagnosis admitted to the Doctor Peset University Hospital acute unit during 2004-2007 were retrospectively analyzed. We observed the percentage of patients treated with more than one antipsychotic drug, as well as the combinations more frequently prescribed.


Out of 677 analyzed patients, 302 were treated with an antipsychotic combination therapy (45%). The associaton most commonly prescribed was an oral atypical antipsychotic + an intramuscular atypical antipsychotic (121 patients). According to diagnosis, 50% from each diagnostic group was treated with a combination antipsychotic therapy.


There is a high percentage of inpatients treated with more than one antipsychotic. We found no significant differences by diagnosis nor any clearly-defined key according to receptorial profiles.

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