
Les fractures du col du fémur après 50 ans - 21/10/08

Doi : 10.1016/j.rco.2008.06.006 
P. Simon a, , F. Gouin b, D. Veillard c, P. Laffargue d, M. Ehlinger e, J.-C. Bel f, R. Lopez a, P. Beaudet a, F. Luickx a, V. Molina g, L.-E. Pidhorz h, N. Bigorre h, A. Rochwerger i, F. Azam i, M.-L. Louis i, P. Cottias j, S. Hamonic c, D. Veillard c, F. Vogt k, P.-M. Cambas k, J. Tabutin k, P. Bonnevialle l, M. Lecoq l, C. Court g, P. Sitbon m, S. Lacoste g, O. Gagey g, F. Dujardin n, M. Gilleron n, V. Brzakala n, X. Roussignol n
a Centre hospitalier Saint-Joseph-Saint-Luc, 20, quai Claude-Bernard, 69365 Lyon cedex 07, France 
b Pôle ostéoarticulaire, hôtel-Dieu, CHU de Nantes, place Alexis-Ricordeau, 44035 Nantes cedex 01, France 
c Service d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, CHU de Rennes, 2, rue Henri-Le-Guilloux, 35000 Rennes, France 
d Service d’orthopédie C, hôpital Roger-Salengro, CHU de Lille, 59037 Lille cedex, France 
e Service de traumatologie, hôpital de Hautepierre, hôpitaux universitaires de Strasbourg, avenue Molière, 67098 Strasbourg cedex, France 
f Pavillon G, hôpital Edouard-Herriot, place d’Arsonval, 69437 Lyon cedex 03, France 
g Service de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, hôpital de Bicêtre, 78, rue du Général-Leclerc, 94275 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France 
h Service de chirurgie orthopédique, centre hospitalier, 194, avenue Rubillard, 72000 Le Mans, France 
i Hôpital de la Conception, 147, boulevard Baille, 13005 Marseille, France 
j Centre hospitalier Victor-Depouy, 69, rue du Lieutenant-Colonel-Prudhon, 95107 Argenteuil, France 
k Centre hospitalier, 15, avenue des Broussailles, 06401 Cannes cedex, France 
l Service d’orthopédie traumatologie, hôpital universitaire de Toulouse-Purpan, place Baylac, 31052 Toulouse cedex, France 
m Département d’anesthésie et réanimation, hôpital de Bicêtre, université Paris-XI, 78, rue du Général-Leclerc, 94275 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France 
n Service de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique, CHU de Rouen, 1, rue de Germont, 76031 Rouen cedex, France 

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Despite many papers and instructional course lectures, therapeutic guidelines are not clearly defined about treatment of femoral neck fractures. The aim of this multicentric French symposium was to prospectively study the results of current therapeutic options in order to propose scientifically proven options.

Material and methods

Three prospective studies were carried out in order to answer to these questions: (1) is it possible with anatomical reduction and stable fixation to lower the non union and osteonecrosis rate? (2) is functional treatment of Garden 1 fractures successful in more than 65 years patients? (3) what criteria are useful to choose the kind of arthroplasty for more than 65 years patients?


For the 64 patients between 50 and 65 years old included in the first study, 44 ORIF and 17 prostheses were performed. No open reduction was performed in this series despite a 34% malreduction rate. The risk for displacement after functional treatment of Garden 1 fractures is 31%.

For patients over 65 years old, almost fractures are treated in this series by an arthroplasty. The one-year mortality rate after displaced femoral neck fracture was 17%. Functional results were better in total hip prosthesis group than in bipolar or unipolar group. Non cemented stems were not safer than cemented ones in frail patients.

Discussion and conclusions

For young patients, ORIF should be the treatment of choice: the initial displacement and its effects on the femoral head vascularisation, the quality of reduction and fixation are the two most significant factors for good outcome. For Garden 1, fractures in patients 65 years old or more, it is proposed to performed an internal fixation despite in two thirds of the cases, it should be unnecessary because non identification of predictive factors of failure. For patients over 65 years old, the type of arthroplasty to perform in displaced fractures is to be chosen according to the preoperative mobility and comorbidities. Because of acetabular erosion with long-term follow-up, it is clearly indicated to perform total hip replacement for patients with life expectancy of 10 years or more. For frail patients, unipolar arthroplasty is the best option. The place for bipolar or uncemented implants is not yet well-defined and more prospective trials are needed. In this multicentric study, results appear quite different in terms of mortality, or functional status. These differences seem to be related to technical choice, geriatric care, nutritional consideration or surgical organisation, all factors that may be of major importance for prognostic.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Femoral neck fractures, Elderly, Hip replacement, Osteosynthesis, Geriatric care


 F. Gouin et P. Simon sont les deux coordinateurs de ce symposium.

© 2008  Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 94 - N° 6S

P. 108-132 - octobre 2008 Retour au numéro
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  • F. Bonnomet, C. Glorion

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