
A three-month follow-up study evaluating changes in clinical profile and attitudes towards involuntary admission - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1746 
E. Bainbridge 1, , B. Hallahan 2, D. McGuinness 3, A. Higgins 4, K. Murphy 5, P. Gunning 6, J. Newell 6, C. McDonald 3
1 Galway, Ireland 
2 National University of Ireland, Department of psychiatry, Galway, Ireland 
3 National University of Ireland, Psychiatry, Galway, Ireland 
4 Trinity College Dublin, School of nursing and midwifery, Dublin, Ireland 
5 National University of Ireland, Nursing and midwifery, Galway, Ireland 
6 National University of Ireland, Biostatistics Department, Galway, Ireland 

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Involuntary admission and treatment is often a traumatic experience for patients and there is a wide variation in attitudes towards care even when patients are recovered.


The purpose of this large prospective study was to identify clinical predictors of attitudes towards care during involuntary admission.


Three hundred and ninety-one consecutively admitted involuntarily patients to three psychiatric inpatient units over a 30-month period were invited to participate in the study. Comprehensive assessments at admission and 3 months after discharge were attained including measures of symptoms, insight, functioning, attitudes towards involuntary admission and coercive experiences. Multiple linear regression modelling was used to determine the optimal explanatory variables for attitudes towards care.


Two hundred and sixty-three individuals participated at baseline and 156 (59%) successfully completed follow-up assessments. Individuals improved significantly over time clinically and in their attitudes towards their care. At baseline greater insight (P<0.001) and less symptoms (P=0.02) were associated with more positive attitudes towards care as was older age (P=0.001). At follow-up, greater insight (P<0.001), less symptoms (P=0.02) and being older (P=0.04) were associated with more positive attitudes towards care. More positive attitudes towards care at follow-up were associated with greater improvements in insight over time (P<0.001) and having a diagnosis of an affective psychosis (P=0.0009).


The best predictors of positive attitudes towards care during and after involuntary admission are illness related factors, such as levels of insight and improvement in insight, rather than service or legislation related factors, such as the use of coercive measures, seclusion and restraint.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S477-S478 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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